
Bodypaint 2 basics tutorial

Started by August 12, 2004 02:00 PM
2 comments, last by Psionic Artist 20 years, 3 months ago
I just finished this little BODYPAINT 2 basics tutorial about UV'ing and painting a simple crate, not very exciting but should help get people started ;) BODYPAINT 2 - PAINTING A CRATE
Excellent tutorial! Thanks man. Its good to see other Cinema 4d users around. Its a great program. I actually used to teach Cinema 4d and my students complained a lot about the few bodypaint tutorials that were around. I'll definitely keep this one bookmarked. (excellent artwork too on your website)

- T
- T. Wade Murphy
Slightly OT, but while we're on the subject...

Psionic: Would you consider BodyPaint to be worth the cost in terms of time savings and power versus using something like Photoshop and your favorite texturemapper (something like Unwrap3D).

I may have a chance to buy a tool like this in the next couple of months and was wondering what you thought. (Congrats on the tut, btw).
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
it depends on what kinda work your doing...for lowpoly characters and vehicles etc I still use unwrap/ps cus I'm just more comfortable with them...

however I'm getting into other aspects of 3D more lately, intro's, cutscenes etc more hi-poly stuff and thats when bodypaint starts to become very useful indeed ;-)

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