Original post by Oluseyi Quote:See generalization, under opinion, cross-referenced with use your brain.
Original post by seanw
I don't understand how people can make statements like "all OSS have bad interfaces", "all OSS lack innovation" etc. It doesn't make sense.
I'm sure that somewhere in your post was a meaningful, productive point. It just happened to go under my feet.
I'm sure you've got a point too, but do you have to be such a jerk about it? Please, read your post. Is that a polite way to respond to somebody who was neither addressing you directly or being insulting? I'm sure you're going to give some terrible reason why this is acceptable; you're just being rude and trying to look like a big-shot.
Seriously, quit nitpicking over pointless semantics. We're talking about the average case. Read the ESR articles/rants I linked to. Maybe it'll hit you hard enough with a clue.
I'm not nitpicking over semantics, I'm trying to say that saying all OSS have bad interfaces is a stupid statement to make. Sun even did an HCI evaluation of the Gnome project and the project developers now strictly follow those guidelines. Novell and Suse are doing great work to improve the usability of the Linux desktop. I personally find KDE easier to use than Windows. My own family use Linux after using Windows with little problem except learning subtle differences. My Univeristy has Linux on all the computers (including those doing non-IT degrees) and people don't have trouble browsing the web and checking their email. There is countless non-OSS projects that have awful interfaces.
The point I'm trying to make is that the license choice of software does not make a difference to its HCI. For example, Mozilla is OSS and the interface is comparable to IE which is the most widely used internet browser.
It's just a pointless and gross generalisation to say that all OSS have bad user interface because it isn't true. You might say I'm nitpicking but the article is trying to tar all OSS and its developers with the same brush and it's not rational.
If I wrote an article entitled "All Windows software has bad user interfaces and lack innovation" you would flame me to pieces. It is an equally obsurd statement to make.