Quote:Is it? What is innovation in software, and how frequently can it be independent of usability? Software is about enabling people to do things, which means that usability is a pretty intrinsic requirement.
Original post by Mayrel
It is no such thing. The article is clearly only talking about usability.
Quote:That's a ludicrous extrapolation but, to play your game, allow me to accuse you (and Open Source advocates in general) of adopting the victim's pose. "You say usability isn't a core focus of OSS! Obviously, you must be implying that OSS is evil and all Closed Software is good!"
There is also the issue of the us and them mentality, exemplified by the article and your response to it. The implication is that there is open source, which is all unusable, and closed source, which is all usable. Obviously that's not the case, there is much closed source software that is very badly designed.
Get a grip. This is a debate about high-quality software only. Leave the bottom-feeders, be they Open or Closed, out of it.
Quote:And what is the result of that environment? A lack of usability. And since applications are about people and how they use them, this lack of focus on usability inhibits innovation.
What makes a program usable or technologically innovative is not the terms under which its source is available, but the conditions under which it is developed. That is what this article cogently explains -- the OSS community does not foster an environment in which usability is considered as important as it should be.
But let me stop speaking in general terms. Let me take a high-profile OSS project and point out its lack of innovation as a function of a lack of a focus on usability.
KDE is Windows Redux. Sorta-Like-Windows-But-Not-Quite-As-Good. You heard me right, "Not quite as good." And why is it not as good? Because it isn't a user-driven development process. The direction of Windows has and will frequently change because of perceived shifts in the needs and habits of users.
Wait, I just remembered the ultimate example. Visual C# 2005 Express Beta collects usage data to help refine the product. This is a developer tool!
Case closed. Of course, there are an untold number of additional examples. Widget proliferation, excessive required reading and the conspicuous lack of task-based user interfaces in OSS can be identified in a mind-numbing number of applications.
How's about OSS and its advocates stop being defensive and identify useful changes from this criticism? I'm a big fan of OSS; I'm just disappointed with how unadventurous it's been, by and large. I mean, Linux is a reimplementation of a 40-odd year old operating system. KDE, GNOME and virtually all other window managers are implementations of a 30-year old interface paradigm. The whole traditional notion of "desktop" and "applications" is not set in stone.
Open Source, to me, is a huge opportunity to try real alternatives, really new stuff.