
Yes, I'm another newbie. Please help!

Started by December 07, 1999 05:08 AM
18 comments, last by Retrep 25 years, 3 months ago
Heres a guess: perhaps your compiler doesn't support C++, only C. I say this because as far as I know iostream.h is part of the c++ library, but *not* the c library.

Just a guess though.


I'll get back to you on that; as far as I know it's a C++ compiler...afterall the library containing "iostream.h" came with it. I'll check for sure though.
Didn't you say that you moved the iostream.h file into your program directory. You don't have to do that at all. When a file is in the include directory you use the form < file name >. When the file is not in the include directory you have to use the form " file name ". The last one only works if the file is in the same directory as your program that you are compiling. If it is not then you have to include the pathname to that file.

I hope I read you right. If not then disregard this post.

Good luck to you.

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Did they make a Turbo C or is there only a Turbo C++. I have only seen the latter. What version number is it? Maybe this will help find your problem.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Gromit - Thanks for th help, but I had already tried that an it didn't work

The only clue as to the version I have is that it is "Turbo C++". That's all I can find on's been an age since I downloaded it, so you'll have to excuse me if I can't remember the exact version

In case you still want to check for free compilers, I know borland recently released a bunch of their old stuff.

You should find it somewhere on this site

Good luck

I'm not sure how the compiler options are on that one but you might want to check the include path. It should point at the directory where the .h files live. Just a thought.
one of the best free compilers (and the one i use when not doing windows work) for the PC is DJGPP. is creates protected-mode DOS programs and is fully POSIX compliant (meaning it behaves _exactly_ like the GNU programs you find on Unix systems). for games, check out Allegro.

you can get DJGPP at you can also get the basic Allegro package here.



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First of all, I've decided that this forum will be my home from now on for developing games, so you'll see me around quite a bit. Right, on with my query...

Basically, I'm starting from scratch...totally from scratch. What I need to know, is what programs I should get, and what documentation is good. Basically step by step instructions of how to get started. I need reccomendations on C++ Compilers (they need to be free), 3D packages (again free, if there are such things as free 3D packages), good 3D engines (again free) and good documentation sources. I'm a good learner, and want to learn. I know many of you will be thinking I'm mad skipping 2D and going straight for 3D, but I always throw myself into the deep end, and work with the aftermath I'll probably end up starting with 2D, but in the mean time I'd just like a go at 3D. I'm downloading the Direct X 7 SDK right now, and that's the only thing I know that I need. Everything else, I need help with. Suggestions, anyone?


Where is your Turbo C++? By default, it's under C:\TC, so the include files should be in C:\TC\INCLUDE, and lib files in C:\TC\LIB.

Goto [Options|Directories] menu and check the content of 'Include Directories' and 'Library Directories' -- they should be like the above (by default).

"after many years of singularity, i'm still searching on the event horizon"

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