
Debuging Crashes

Started by July 22, 2004 11:40 PM
3 comments, last by _DarkWIng_ 20 years, 4 months ago
My current project has develeoped an irritating bug where it will crash shortly after starting. Sometimes it's seconds after starting, sometimes it's minutes. The crash seems to be occuring in nvoglnt.dll, but the part that bugs me is that it seems to be occuring during a call to a perfectly innocuous gl call. ( glTexCoord1f with a completely resonable value.) Any sugestions on how I should go about debuging this? I assume it means that I've got a bad pointer or array bounds somewhere, but usualy finding where it stoped can give me a clear hint to where my mistake is, but this doesn't seem to help me. My skill with a debugger is pretty rudimentary, but it seems like it's running properly up to that point. (Of course, to make matters worse the crash only happens on Windows machines, but I'm developing on Linux. So I've got to walk back and forth between machines to test it!) (Aside from OpenGL, I'm using GLUT and OpenAL libraries if that's of any help at all. ) This is really frustrating me. If anyone has any sugestions on how to procede I'd really appretiate it. Thanks. -Andy
First you should get rid of *all* memory leaks and buffer overruns/overflows. Then check for and any GL errors. Then there are number of states that you may misconfigured (forgot to disable/enable some state,..). Then there is also a very very slight chance of driver error.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You could test if youre having GL problems, this piece of code might help ;)
void CheckGlError(){	int e=glGetError();	if (e) {		const unsigned char *estr = gluErrorString(e);		char T[100]="";		sprintf(T,"ERROR->OpenGL error->%s\n", estr);		if(MessageBox(0,T,"Error",MB_YESNO)==IDYES) PostQuitMessage(0);//if it`s happening every frame it`s best to exit	}}

Relative Games - My apps

I finaly found it. It turned out to be something I didn't expect at all so I thought I'd share.

One of my models was messed up, and my game was sending a quad that wasn't at all planar. For some reason the Windows Nvidia drivers would occasionaly crash when it tried to apply a 1d texture to the bad surface.

Is this a known bug? Seems to me it should fail more gracefully than that.

The crashes occured on two seperate (but recent) versions of the Windows Nvidia driver (On at least three seperate machines) but not on the two most recent Linux Nvidia drivers. I don't own any non-nvidia 3d cards so I couldn't test other brands.

Anyway, I just re-did that model and now it doesn't crash. (YAY!)

First time I hear of that bug. Try making a small program demonstrationg the problem and test it across various machines. If it turns out to be a real problem then send it to nVidia dev-team.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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