
how do i do such a thing in Lua ????

Started by July 18, 2004 11:17 PM
14 comments, last by 20 years, 4 months ago
That is really not right, Lua is most definately capable of creating and using C++ objects.

They are called Userdata.

Read about them here:

And calling C from Lua here:
I don't think anyone said Lua wasn't capable, only that it's usually a poor way of approaching the problem.
before i spend the next few days driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to do this in Lua (i plan on writing wrapper C++ functions so i dont have to directly allocate memory or de-reference pointers, instead ill just call the C++ functions from Lua...). why exactly is it a bad / poor idea? thanks for any help!!
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
ok, well, it took awhile, but... i finnally figured it out!! i designed and implemented a system to encapsulate my tree building system! basically, i encapsulate the pointers so that instead of having to call new, and having to de-reference pointers, i use a std::map<int,NPC_Reply*> nodes;. then, i store all my node's in this map. whenever i want to de-reference a node, i just call a function sending the node's ID #! no more pointers needed! at least not in the Lua interface!

now, i can make my wrapper class acessible from Lua. now theres just one more problem i cant solve : how do i return this object once i fill it with data in Lua? this is what ive got so far:

I have a class called Conversation. I make my class and its members available to Lua via Module(L)[];

now, once i do this, i write a Lua script which instantiates a Conversation object, and builds the dialogue tree. now i just have to return this object! how how how do i do this? how do i call my Lua script, and have it return my object that was created? lets say i have a Lua script which looks like this:

function Fill_Convo()	        Conversation convo()        --now i build my dialogue tree, filling convo with all the neccesary data        return convoend

how do i do such a thing? how can i call this function from my C++ code and have it return the object? like i said, i can set up Lua to know about my object, but how do i return it to my C++ code? ive searched the luabind docs and the lua docs and cant figure it out! am i supposed to use lua

Conversation Get_Convo(){		/* the function name */	lua_getglobal(L, "Get_Convo");	// call the function with 0	arguments and return 1 result 	lua_call(L, 0, 1);	//get the result	Conversation *convo lua_touserdata(L,1);; 		//pop the value off the stack	lua_pop(L, 1);	return convo;}

then i would just do something like

Conversation convo = Get_Convo();

but i get an error : cannot convert from void * to Conversation*. also, i tried casting but that didnt work. am i even doing the right thing? and if so, what am i doing wrong? thanks for any help!!!

[Edited by - graveyard filla on July 20, 2004 5:49:27 AM]
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
I'd put the whole dialog into an Xml file. I think this would work very well. Each dialog node would also have a flag if the option/response is available, and some kind of ID that would trigger a script (if wanted) to set some variables/perform some tasks.
I think writing dialogs directly in Lua/C++ doesn't look that nice.
You could even make a little dialog-editor that spits out the right Xml to be used by the game.
The only problem I see, otherwise it looks fine.

Conversation *convo lua_touserdata(L,1);;

should be

Conversation *convo = (Conversation *)lua_touserdata(L,1);

Now, I don't really think that you need to call a function like that from C++, instead I would recommend that you create some binding functions to cover the functions used in the C++ object, then create a metatable to fold those functions in lua.

Then when you create your userdata, assign the metatable to the user data.

Lets say you had a method inside Conversation called "hello()" that calls some of your windowing code to display a "Hello world!" box.

Then you would create a binding function in c that goes something like:

static int LuaConvoHello (lua_State *L)
Conversation *convo = (Conversation *)lua_touserdata(L,1);


return 0; // No arguments back to lua.

Now as long as you have this function in the metatable, and your new function sets the meta table on your user data, in your luacode you can do:

Convo = Conversation:new()

And it will properly call the C++ function.

Hope that helps.

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