
Coding Game

Started by July 13, 2004 06:23 AM
12 comments, last by Newbie Programmer 20 years, 7 months ago
Hiya all,

I am surprize to have lots of repond from Good people like u all to help me. I using Bloodshed c++ Version 4 and I know little abit about OPEN GL. Yes it's good idea for me to start out at the bottom by making games like pong, Tetris, breakout , pacman and so on. I think that Tetris and pacman is going to hard to code because in Tetris, U have used maths that move the block around when u press the arrows keys plus also have work out on arrays block when the block fill up...for example...if the 3 blue block there then it should disappear and add more points. The Pacman is another one but it work on "GAME AL" on each ghost when they move around the wall. My weakness is AL coding...

It's Bloodshed c++ 4 is good way to start when coding games?
I know that Visual C++ is industial standard(Sorry for spelling)

I would like to thanks to people around here helping me and I will keep posting the forum if I have problem with coding.


P.S. I know this Topic should be in Beginner C++ Forum.
Well, in my humble opinion the language you use is not really important: understanding the concepts behind what it's doing is what you're really trying to learn, after all you can always code a game/application in any language you desire - providing you know what you want it to do (I realise that some laguages are more suited to certain things).

So in answer to your question mate, it's horses for courses - most people use Microsoft's VC, but that is not to say all; I'm a Delphi coder by heart, but I also do some C++, and I use DevC++ - I find it's great for what I want it to do, and more importantly, it's free ;)

GL & HF :)

Darren Clark

I would recommend C++, VB or Delphi simply because it is easy to find a lot of examples in those languages. However, believe it or not I started with x86 assembly language (hey not a whole lot else would run on my 286) and I think if you understand logic structures and data storage at that level, you can easily pick up any high level language. That's why I recommend that everyone do a little assembly programming on the side, as a learning experience.

Assembly? yeah it would be good for me to learn But do u have Tutoial links for Assembly.


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