
(another) nvidia driver problem, display corrupted in mode 3

Started by July 11, 2004 12:26 PM
-1 comments, last by Cipher3D 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I just installed the nvidia drivers on my slackware computer, and it works fine for init mode 4 (which is KDE), but when I go back to command-line mode (init level 3), the display is corrupted, like the screen doesn't know what resolution it is - so when I type shutdown -h now or startx, i have to guess what i'm doing. also, another semall thing: whenever I used to press ctrl-alt-delete it had a little menu asking me whether i wanted to logout/reboot/shutdown, but now all it says is logout or cancel... how do i get that option to logout/reboot/shutdown again? Thanks so much, Cipher3D
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