Worldbuilding Document
Original post by girl in the box
Would anybody be interested in a worldbuilding document that would help them to design new worlds they plan to use for their games? The document is really designed to help writers create new worlds for writing stories, but I imagine that it could be just as useful for game designing. It asks more questions than you could possibly need answers to and it hopefully provokes thought -- meaning, hopefully it will help you think of elements to put into your game/story that you never considered before. The document I use is based on several such documents that I have read. It''s modified to suit my own purposes, but you could always re-modify it to suit yours.
I would be glad to post it here if there is any interest. Except that it is very long, so I don''t know if it would fit (what is the word limit here). Alternatively, I could post it on my website in printable form and link to it. I could even use it as a feature for Gamedev (though I''m guessing that there wouldn''t be quite enough interest to warrant that). I just want to know, before I go through the effort of cleaning it up for sharing, if anyone has an interest in it.
Um, actually I''m writing one right now as an article for Gamedev and have been posting the pieces in the design and writing forums, topic worldbuilding 101.
I''d love to see what you''ve got, email it to me or post a link, whatever.

Original post by girl in the box
Would anybody be interested in a worldbuilding document that would help them to design new worlds they plan to use for their games? The document is really designed to help writers create new worlds for writing stories, but I imagine that it could be just as useful for game designing. It asks more questions than you could possibly need answers to and it hopefully provokes thought -- meaning, hopefully it will help you think of elements to put into your game/story that you never considered before. The document I use is based on several such documents that I have read. It''s modified to suit my own purposes, but you could always re-modify it to suit yours.
I would be glad to post it here if there is any interest. Except that it is very long, so I don''t know if it would fit (what is the word limit here). Alternatively, I could post it on my website in printable form and link to it. I could even use it as a feature for Gamedev (though I''m guessing that there wouldn''t be quite enough interest to warrant that). I just want to know, before I go through the effort of cleaning it up for sharing, if anyone has an interest in it.
Um, actually I''m writing one right now as an article for Gamedev and have been posting the pieces in the design and writing forums, topic worldbuilding 101.
I''d love to see what you''ve got, email it to me or post a link, whatever.

oops. doh!
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
Yes, that would be cool, and sunandshadow, I read your post. Not sure if my opinion matters, but maybe you would consider seperating different aspects of the process a little more.
BTW, what section are you a moderator for?
"What's the story with your face, son?!?"
Original post by pacman
He he, that''s funny. Where''s your moderator powers NOW, eh? (j/k)
Yes, that would be cool, and sunandshadow, I read your post. Not sure if my opinion matters, but maybe you would consider seperating different aspects of the process a little more.
BTW, what section are you a moderator for?
"What''s the story with your face, son?!?"
Well, you see...
I have no moderator powers just now, because I''m not moderator of anything. Beauracratic SNAFU that''s being negotiated currently.
Anyhow, what aspects would you like to see separated more?
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Just waiting for the mothership...
Original post by girl in the box
Ah well, if you''re going to do a worldbuilding doc here, there''s no point in my doing one. :-) Good luck!
I could certainly use some contributions, though, especially if you have documents you use that are already in some stage of completion. Like I said, email me. And please comment on the pieces I''ve posted so far maybe I''m completely ignoring an area you think is vital, who knows?
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
I went looking for your post so I could be more intelligent when I tell you my thoughts, but I couldn''t find it!! Anyway, from what I remember, it was very specific, and didn''t leave anything to assume (which is good). Course, you''d probably be better off with someone else''s critique. Good luck on it.
"What's the story with your face, son?!?"