
how to mount a NTFS volume in linux

Started by June 30, 2004 01:09 PM
7 comments, last by metal leper 20 years, 2 months ago
the title of the post pretty much asks the question...:p How do i mount a ntfs volume in linux...?
mount -t ntfs /dev/hda... /path/to/mountdir
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thanx aftermath, but i tried the same thing ... but it says something like "the kernel doesn't support ntfs....". Btw, i am using kernel-2.4.22 ( mandrake 9.2 ).
You need a module for that. Google will find it for you. Look for NTFS linux or something similar.
ok, first, you need to run some updates to bring your distro up to date and able to mount a NTFS. I'm unsure of how easy this is to do in mandrake, i've never tried out that distro, but it's quite easy in SUSE and redhat. IMHO, the BEST way then would be to either use YAST under SUSE, or edit fstab directly, add the line

/yourpathname/yourfoldername /dev/hd(a1,a2,b1,b2 etc...) ntfs defaults 0 0

of course, fill in the proper device, and a existing path (folder to mount in MUST exist)

i also want to warn you, make it read only, writing to ntfs is a bit buggy and tends to corrupt from time to time. (though if that's changed in the last 2-3 months, i wouldn't know about it, i havnt updated recently (running Suse 9.1 pro)
I thought you had to rebuild your kernel with NTFS support to be able to read NTFS partitions?
Quote: Original post by BitBlt
I thought you had to rebuild your kernel with NTFS support to be able to read NTFS partitions?

That's correct. You can also compile the module (from the kernel source) and load it at runtime. I'd just recompile the kernel with ntfs read-write support, it's not very hard :)
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If you want your NTFS volume to mount automaticaly at boot, you'll have to add a line in /etc/fstab like : "/dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0"
/dev/hda1 is the volume, /mnt/win is the mount point (create it with mkdir if it doesn't exist), ntfs specify the volume type, user permit to anyone to mount the volume.
uid and gid are user id and group id of the user who possess the volume, without that you'll have to be root to mount the volume.
not true - just adding user (or maybe it's users, one or the other) to the options means that users will be able to mount it by typing mount mountpoint (but they won't be able to mount it to anything other than the mount point specified)

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