
book for beginners

Started by June 29, 2004 09:06 AM
3 comments, last by SonOfNed 20 years, 3 months ago
After my umpteenth XP reinstallation I have decided to shift over to linux and as this coincides with my summer vacations learning the OS wont be a problem at all. Except the fact that i cannot decide which book do i pick up. After some research on the web and some recommendations from friends I finally zeroed in on two books :- 1) Red Hat Linux (Fedora and Enterprise Edition) by Christopher Negus 2) Red Hat Linux 9 by Michael Jang Though Jang focuses more on the installation process(a good 200 pages) and also on installing a new kernel. On the other hand Negus quickly skims over the installation part and barely dwells on the kernel installation though his book gets a lot more interesting towards the end speially for OS configuration. I do not think that i will have any problems with the installation as i did install SUSE Linux on my system a couple of months ago. So the question is which book would you suggest and why ?? Any other book recommendations too are welcome.
G-A-M-I-N-G (Tht's how u spell LIFE) !!
I cannot recommend any books (I don't usually find them worth the money, most stuff is available on the Internet), but when you do buy, make sure you read the Announcement at the top of each of the forums about GDNet affiliates.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
I cant recommend any books for linux either. I havent read any good reviews about any of them. When i was learning how to use linux it was more figure out what i wanted to do then google it. If you are really clueless about linux then i suggest getting a book but from what i have heard they are about the basics and dont get into anything else. Well thats my two cents.
We all think that we are the best with computers but we all keep reffering to the same all-mighty all-knowing Guru, Google.
Perhaps you should look into getting a generic Linux book (e.g. "Running Linux") and look up RedHat/Fedora specific stuff online?
I can recomend a good book:
"The Linux Book" by David Elboth (ISBN 0-13-032765-4)

I got it out the library and fund it realy usefull.
It has a chapter on installation, and then explains the basics of administering the system from the command line.
After that it explains everything you could possibly want, from passwords, to editors, to setting up networks with Windows and Mac machines and printing.

The reason I like this book is that it covers everything in enough depth to be usefull as a reference when you've learnt the basics.

A couple of bad points though, the edition I've got is 3 years old (I donno if there is a new edition) and it focuses on RedHat based systems, so some of the sections are either different or don't apply in other distros.

---------Does it matter? Even if it does matter, does it matter that it matters?

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