
The best HSR for my app

Started by June 24, 2004 08:51 AM
0 comments, last by RipTorn 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi I'm making a realtime 3D Mesh viewer. With some huge 3D structure (like motors), rendering is very very slow. I just display poligons (openGL) and let opengl to sort them. I dont know what is the more adapted algoritm for this kind of 3D rendering. I will be great if i could remove all hidden surface (HSR) in real time (i can turn the mesh). It's not like a game, here, I display the full mesh, so i can't use BSP trees. I have heard about occlusion culling, but i'm not sure. can somebody help me ? thanks
you must be dealing with some pretty amazingly detailed models... in the order of a million or two million triangles?


grouping all similar small parts of the model, and rendering in batches will help, as you will be able to frustum cull them individually, and if you use a min and max bounding box you could then do a lot of culling with occlusion querys.

delphi3d had a demo dealing mith multi-million triangle models a while back and how to rendering them this way (although the models must be downloaded and are ~100mb each)

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