Triangle texture interpolation?
Hi, how can i calculate the texel position of any triangle having the
texel x and y value
texture size
I tried to interpolate them in several ways but i just can't seem to find the right way.
I tried this for a long time and thought i did it, now i tried to use that code in another program of mine and it seems it only works for triangles with a 90 degree corner and 2 equal sides.
Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Let me get this straight -- are you trying to find the texel for any pixel on the screen of a triangle? What do you mean by 'texel position'?
- fyhuang [ site ]
Well, like this: a texture consists of texels right? Lets say you want to know the actual world-position of that texel, well, that's what i want to know. If that's not a texel then tell me what it is called (anyway that's what i meant), thanks.
Hmm, the 'world position'. A texel really only has an X and a Y, if you're looking for the Z, then all you have to do is some basic texturing interpolation to find the X and the Y, and a ZBuffer kind of thing to find the Z, if I understand you correctly.
- fyhuang [ site ]
For each texure image, create a lookup buffer which contains, at every texel location, the corresponding position in object space: i.e.
0) mark every texel on the lookup value as "invalid" (you can have another lookup buffer of booleans).
1) for each triangle having that texture mapped on, scan-convert the triangle in texture-space according to its vertices' texture coords;
2) for each texel you found by step (1), calculate its object-space position according to the 3 vertices' object space position and store this value in the lookup buffer (and mark it as "valid" in some manner)
When you want to know the texel's window-space position, first test if it's "valid" (i.e. the texel is really mapped on some triangle). If it is, get it's object-space position in the lookup buffer and transform this one using your modelview/projection/viewport (or use glProject() for simplicity, if you are using OpenGL) to get its window coordinates.
0) mark every texel on the lookup value as "invalid" (you can have another lookup buffer of booleans).
1) for each triangle having that texture mapped on, scan-convert the triangle in texture-space according to its vertices' texture coords;
2) for each texel you found by step (1), calculate its object-space position according to the 3 vertices' object space position and store this value in the lookup buffer (and mark it as "valid" in some manner)
When you want to know the texel's window-space position, first test if it's "valid" (i.e. the texel is really mapped on some triangle). If it is, get it's object-space position in the lookup buffer and transform this one using your modelview/projection/viewport (or use glProject() for simplicity, if you are using OpenGL) to get its window coordinates.
I think CoreMeltdown got it but i'd like to know how i can do it in software mode.
If he didn't get it right here's a better explanation of what i want to calculate:
I have:
3 vertices
3 texture coordinates
an x and a y coordinate of the texel i want to know the position of in 3d worldspace
So how does opengl interpolate the texture between the 3 vertices?
So lets say i have 3 vertices with texture coordinates 0.0,0.0 0.0,1.0 and 1.0,1.0 ... How can i calculate the position of texel 22,121 on a texture size 256x256.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: i still think i am not clear enaugh, i mean i want a vertex specifying the modelviewspace position of a certain texel, this will have to be done by interpolating between the vertices (at least that's what i think), but how i must interpolate is the thing i don't know, so, can anyone give me some information on that? Thanks
If he didn't get it right here's a better explanation of what i want to calculate:
I have:
3 vertices
3 texture coordinates
an x and a y coordinate of the texel i want to know the position of in 3d worldspace
So how does opengl interpolate the texture between the 3 vertices?
So lets say i have 3 vertices with texture coordinates 0.0,0.0 0.0,1.0 and 1.0,1.0 ... How can i calculate the position of texel 22,121 on a texture size 256x256.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: i still think i am not clear enaugh, i mean i want a vertex specifying the modelviewspace position of a certain texel, this will have to be done by interpolating between the vertices (at least that's what i think), but how i must interpolate is the thing i don't know, so, can anyone give me some information on that? Thanks
OpenGL (and D3D, for that matter) interpolate the texture coordinates and other interpolants after the geometry is projected to screen-space. Maybe that fact gives you an idea on how to proceed?
Niko Suni
My first guess would be to simply interpolate between the corners of the triangle, i.e. something like:
However, I suspect that would suffer problems of non-perspective correctness. Having never written a software renderer if the above doesn't work (and I suspect it probably doesn't) I can't help, except to suggest you perhaps take a look at the source code to Mesa.
// pseudocodenormalisedTexCoords = {texelX / textureWidth, texelY / textureHeight};texVector1 = texCoordsOfVertex2 - texCoordsOfVertex1;texVector2 = texCoordsOfVertex3 - texCoordsOfVertex1;alpha, beta = solve(texCoordsOfVertex1 + (alpha * texVector1) + (beta * texVector2) == normalisedTexCoords);worldVector1 = worldSpacePositionOfVertex2 - worldSpacePositionOfVertex1;worldVector2 = worldSpacePositionOfVertex3 - worldSpacePositionOfVertex1;position = worldSpacePositionOfVertex1 + (alpha * worldVector1) + (beta * worldVector2);
However, I suspect that would suffer problems of non-perspective correctness. Having never written a software renderer if the above doesn't work (and I suspect it probably doesn't) I can't help, except to suggest you perhaps take a look at the source code to Mesa.
Hmm, I do have an old DOS book, the Black Art of 3D Game Programming, which does have software rendering techniques in it, including (non-perspective corrected) texturing.
I do think that software rendering experience may be of use here, which includes not me.
I do think that software rendering experience may be of use here, which includes not me.
- fyhuang [ site ]
Compute edge equations in texture space for object space only once for each triangle:
Once you have calculated the above three edge equations for each component, you can obtain the object-space coordinates for texel at (x, y):
Finally, to obtain world-space texel position, just multiply the vector texelObjectSpace by your world matrix.
The code listed doesn't need perspective correction because we are working in object space; if you want to obtain the texel window-space coordinates, just apply the usual geometric transformations (world, camera, projection, perspective division, viewport). Remember that, i.e. in OpenGL, the ModelView matrix represents the combination of world and camera matrices.
I hope this helps,
/* All computations are in float. *//* [ui, vi] = texture coords at vertex i *//* [ui, vi] are all in range [0..1] *//* [Ai, Bi, Ci] = triangle edge equations (in texture space) */A0 = v0 - v1;B0 = u1 - u0;C0 = -0.5f * ((A0 * (u0 + u1)) + (B0 * (v0 + v1)));A1 = v1 - v2;B1 = u2 - u1;C1 = -0.5f * ((A1 * (u1 + u2)) + (B1 * (v1 + v2)));A2 = v2 - v0;B2 = u0 - u2;C2 = -0.5f * ((A2 * (u2 + u0)) + (B2 * (v2 + v0)));area = C0 + C1 + C2;oneOverArea = 1.0f / area;/* Then compute object-space edge equations *//* [xi, yi, zi] = object-space position at vertex i *//* Equation for X */t0 = x0 * oneOnverArea;t1 = x1 * oneOnverArea;t2 = x2 * oneOnverArea;Ax = (A0 * t0) + (A1 * t1) + (A2 * t2);Bx = (B0 * t0) + (B1 * t1) + (B2 * t2);Cx = (C0 * t0) + (C1 * t1) + (C2 * t2);/* Equation for Y */t0 = y0 * oneOnverArea;t1 = y1 * oneOnverArea;t2 = y2 * oneOnverArea;Ay = (A0 * t0) + (A1 * t1) + (A2 * t2);By = (B0 * t0) + (B1 * t1) + (B2 * t2);Cy = (C0 * t0) + (C1 * t1) + (C2 * t2);/* Equation for Z */t0 = z0 * oneOnverArea;t1 = z1 * oneOnverArea;t2 = z2 * oneOnverArea;Az = (A0 * t0) + (A1 * t1) + (A2 * t2);Bz = (B0 * t0) + (B1 * t1) + (B2 * t2);Cz = (C0 * t0) + (C1 * t1) + (C2 * t2);/* Now you have: [Ax, Bx, Cx] = equation for X component; [Ay, By, Cy] = equation for Y component; [Az, Bz, Cz] = equation for Z component;*/
Once you have calculated the above three edge equations for each component, you can obtain the object-space coordinates for texel at (x, y):
/* All computations are in float. *//* THIS CODE ASSUME YOUR TEXTURE COORDS ARE ALL IN RANGE [0..1] !!! *//* Add a 0.5 offset to sample texel at its center */nTX = (texelXcoord + 0.5f) / textureWidth;nTY = (texelYcoord + 0.5f) / textureHeight;texelObjectSpace.x = (Ax * nTX) + (Bx * nTY) + Cx;texelObjectSpace.y = (Ay * nTX) + (By * nTY) + Cy;texelObjectSpace.z = (Az * nTX) + (Bz * nTY) + Cz;/* texelObjectSpace holds texel position in object space */
Finally, to obtain world-space texel position, just multiply the vector texelObjectSpace by your world matrix.
The code listed doesn't need perspective correction because we are working in object space; if you want to obtain the texel window-space coordinates, just apply the usual geometric transformations (world, camera, projection, perspective division, viewport). Remember that, i.e. in OpenGL, the ModelView matrix represents the combination of world and camera matrices.
I hope this helps,
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