
Need a good Linux Programming Site... Please!

Started by June 21, 2004 11:09 AM
1 comment, last by OrthoDiablo 20 years, 3 months ago
Hey guys! I'm wondering if any of you know a nice programming and learn-how-to-use-linux site for me to explore, so far I don't get good sites, and or .org, whatever, just doesn't have the stuff I'm looking for. At the moment I need info on using the terminal in Linux when I'm writing a console app. I want to use the mouse, add some colors, etc. So if you know of a place with these, please tell me! I would really apreciate it! Any sites are welcome! Thanks!
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The Linux Documentation Project has a lot of documentation :) If it has anything on what you're looking for, I'm not too sure.

Hm, no, I know there are some HOWTOs that deal with the framebuffer (which often includes using a mouse?) and others that deal with colors in the console, not sure which ones though. I'd guess one of the ones on Bash would have quite some information.


This section is pretty interesting, they had more than I had expected.
You can try this one.

As for books, "Beginning Linux Programming" was the one I looked at first, although you may want to look up other books for more specific subjects like curses and X.

To use colors and such in the console you will need to learn the curses library.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.

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