
Has/will this bug ever been/be fixed?

Started by June 20, 2004 02:49 PM
7 comments, last by BradDaBug 20 years, 3 months ago
In Nautilus (using 2.4.2) I select a file, right click, then click "copy file." I then move to a different Nautilus window in a different directory, right click, and "paste files" is grayed out. I have to select the file, drag it to the other window, then do the copy/paste process form there to get it to work. What's the deal? Edit: Um... I just discovered that Debian has put Gnome 2.6 in testing so I did "apt-get update" then "apt-get upgrade" to get it, and now it looks like stuff is broken. Lots of icons are missing and gedit doesn't work because of an "undefined symbol: eel_input_event_box_new." [Edited by - BradDaBug on June 20, 2004 3:52:34 PM]
I like the DARK layout!
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
In Nautilus (using 2.4.2) I select a file, right click, then click "copy file." I then move to a different Nautilus window in a different directory, right click, and "paste files" is grayed out.

I have to select the file, drag it to the other window, then do the copy/paste process form there to get it to work. What's the deal?

I've never seen anything like what you describe. Then again, I don't use Nautilus a whole lot.
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
Edit: Um... I just discovered that Debian has put Gnome 2.6 in testing so I did "apt-get update" then "apt-get upgrade" to get it, and now it looks like stuff is broken. Lots of icons are missing and gedit doesn't work because of an "undefined symbol: eel_input_event_box_new."

Nautilus is broken in testing because of not-quite-correct dependencies on related packages and some packages that haven't managed to make it into testing from unstable yet (capplets). See the debian-gtk-gnome mailing list for a "warning" that was posted (actually, here's a link). Manually getting the capplets package from unstable and installing it in testing should fix the problem well-enough until it manages to get into testing.

For whatever reason, libeel is always breaking because its maintainers don't care about proper versioning of the libraries for ABI compatability. It happened to unstable a while ago and was fixed relatively quickly.
Wow, I wish I knew about that earlier.

I'm gaving trouble getting the newer version of capplets. I added the unstable entry to sources.list but now when I do "apt-get install capplets" it wants to uninstall a whole lot of stuff and update less stuff. dpkg doesn't work any better since it complains about acme. Is there a way to get around that?

Edit: Oh dear... I think I broke something...

Edit again: Oh man, I hope this is fixable. When I start gnome I get all sorts of errors about the applets, and they're all gone. Plus my fonts are all funky now (some are too big and some are too small).

Edit once more: Looks like an upgrade to unstable didn't help. Guess I'm screwed. Time for a reformat I suppose.

[Edited by - BradDaBug on June 20, 2004 10:08:13 PM]
I like the DARK layout!
thanks for the warning. ;)

I'll avoid apt-get update'ing for a week or so.
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
Edit once more: Looks like an upgrade to unstable didn't help. Guess I'm screwed. Time for a reformat I suppose.

XFree86 is a bit broken in unstable if I recall (some of its input definitions, at least). I'm not wholly up-to-date with unstable at the moment, so I can't vouch for its overall fitness one way or the other. I am up-to-date with GNOME in unstable, and it 'works for me'.

They're trying to get everything in shape for releasing Sarge but most things haven't settled down to what the packagers would like yet, so things are in a bit of a flux at the moment.

You haven't tried creating a new user account and logging into GNOME with that user, have you? Without old settings many upgrade issues don't show up (the ones that do show up should be reported if reproducable, of course). If that works, you can move your normal account's settings for GNOME and related software and then places things back a few at a time to find the culprit. I've never had a problem I couldn't fix related to GNOME in Debian and I've been using the less-than-perfect packaging of Sid and even some experimenal for quite a while, if it's any encouragement.
Quote: Original post by Null and Void
XFree86 is a bit broken in unstable if I recall (some of its input definitions, at least).

I'm running unstable and X works fine for me. I'm not familiar with these "input definitions", though.
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
I did a complete shutdown and restart (well, just booted today) and it works! Icons, gedit, everything! Yay!
I like the DARK layout!
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
I did a complete shutdown and restart (well, just booted today) and it works! Icons, gedit, everything! Yay!
always a paeasant surprise

testing or unstable?
At this point I'm not really sure. I guess it's testing with unstable versions of X and Gnome.
I like the DARK layout!

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