Texture coords
I have 4096X4096 texture and x X y height_map.
I need to strech the texture on my height_map
(x*y vertices, (x-1)*(y-1)*2 polygons) what are the
u v coords to do so?
maybe this will help to understand how the polygons and vertices
set at:
num_verts = MapSizeX * MapSizeZ;
num_polys = (MapSizeX - 1) * (MapSizeZ - 1) * 2;
for (kk = 0; kk < MapSizeX - 1; kk++)
for (ll = 0; ll < MapSizeZ - 1; ll++)
// vertex indices
vert1 = base_vert + kk * MapSizeZ + ll; // kk , ll
vert2 = vert1 + 1; // kk , ll+1
vert3 = vert1 + MapSizeZ; // kk+1, ll
vert4 = vert3 + 1; // kk+1, ll+1
// texture coords
u1 =
u2 =
u3 =
u4 =
v1 =
v2 =
v3 =
v4 =
//----- first poly
// vertices
Polygons[poly].P1 = vert1;
Polygons[poly].P2 = vert2;
Polygons[poly].P3 = vert3;
// texture coords
Polygons[poly].U1 = u1;
Polygons[poly].U2 = u2;
Polygons[poly].U3 = u3;
Polygons[poly].V1 = v1;
Polygons[poly].V2 = v2;
Polygons[poly].V3 = v3;
//----- second poly
// vertices
Polygons[poly].P1 = vert2;
Polygons[poly].P2 = vert4;
Polygons[poly].P3 = vert3;
// texture coords
Polygons[poly].U1 = u2;
Polygons[poly].U2 = u4;
Polygons[poly].U3 = u3;
Polygons[poly].V1 = v2;
Polygons[poly].V2 = v4;
Polygons[poly].V3 = v3;
I need to fill in the u1...u4,v1...v4.. i'm using quads as you
can see.
Using c/c++ with opengl .
Keep in mind that 4096x4096-textures are not supported by all cards. You can get an overview of how large textures diffrent cards support by visiting this page.
[s]--------------------------------------------------------[/s]chromecode.com - software with source code
This is some simple code to give you a rough idea of what needs to be done.
That should give you an array of u and v coords that tiles the whole texture across the terrain once.
I *think*, though can't be sure by looking at your code, that you should then be able to assign texture coords to the poly as follows, (assuming that P1, P2, and P3 in the poly store indices into an array of type Vertex).
This would fill U1 and V1 (and the others) with the appropriate indices to the texcoords array.
//create space for the texture coordsfloat *texcoords = new float[ num_verts * 2 ];//be sure to delete these when you're finished with themfor( unsigned int z = 0; z < MapSizeZ; z++ ){ for( unsigned int x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++ ) { //fill u coord texcoords[(x + z * MapSizeZ) * 2] = (float)x/(float)(MapSizeX-1); //fill v coord texcoords[(x + z * MapSizeZ) * 2 + 1] = (float)z/(float)(MapSizeZ-1); }}
That should give you an array of u and v coords that tiles the whole texture across the terrain once.
I *think*, though can't be sure by looking at your code, that you should then be able to assign texture coords to the poly as follows, (assuming that P1, P2, and P3 in the poly store indices into an array of type Vertex).
//----- first poly// verticesPolygons[poly].P1 = vert1;Polygons[poly].P2 = vert2;Polygons[poly].P3 = vert3;// texture coordsPolygons[poly].U1 = vert1*2;Polygons[poly].U2 = vert2*2;Polygons[poly].U3 = vert3*2;Polygons[poly].V1 = vert1*2 + 1;Polygons[poly].V2 = vert2*2 + 1Polygons[poly].V3 = vert3*2 + 1;poly++;//and so on and so forth
This would fill U1 and V1 (and the others) with the appropriate indices to the texcoords array.
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