
Need a little help from a programmer...

Started by October 14, 1999 06:07 PM
1 comment, last by AcidJazz 25 years, 4 months ago
If you want to get AOL IM (it is free) you can contact me. I'll try to help you whenever I'm on-- random times in the day because I have classes at odd hours.

id: Sixpack808


I am only 16 years of age, and I cannot program nearly as well as any of you. I've been trying to learn off and on for a long time now, but I've never had a tutor. I know a lot of you are going to say, well I learned all by myself with books, I guess I can't do that. I need someone's assistance to learn how to program games. I am currently learning VC++. I know c++ somewhat. I've made a cheap game in DOS before, but I think my teacher was an idiot, and taught me all 'crooked' If someone out there will please lend a hand just to get me off the right step, it wont take but a little bit of your time...
Please reply to


P.S. My icq is 16357086

Why is 99% of the Comp Sci population guys, and the other 1% not female? ;/
You might want to drop by the #gamedev IRC channel on Afternet when you have problems. There are usually at least a couple of us there at any given time and most of us are more than willing to help if we can.


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