
What kinda program do I need to creat a game...

Started by September 29, 1999 09:09 PM
1 comment, last by newbie 25 years, 5 months ago
First you need to get a compiler and learn programming. There are a lot of discussions on this board which compiler to get. To learn programming you can:
-Read books.
-Read tutorials on the internet.
-Try it out yourself using the compilers help file.

With some programming and hard work you can make your dream come true. Don't be discouraged if you see all those nice games out there.
Keep in mind: They have started somewhere too.

I am a complete newbie to this game programming and I have a desire to learn how to make games... So how should I start this dream... What things do I need!! help me out please!!
If your want to learn C++, you might want to read "Beginning C++ 5" by Ivor Horton, or "Mastering C++" don't know author.
I'm using the first myself, and its pretty good for the basics, unluckly if you want to just jump in and program a tetris clone or something, it isn't that great with teaching how to handle graphics. It seems to show more on how to use objects, pointers, loops, and arrays. Until you know that though programming graphics is just making bitmaps anyway.

Hope you get into it, it can be real fun as long as you go with your ideas.

Tell the truth and you will never fear someone will figure out you lied.
<<I'm sure I'm quoting someone out there, wish I knew who!>>
David Abresch

David Abresch

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