I have the same feeling... in fact when I''m playing a multi-player game on my network, I have to remind myself to attack

Otherwise my friend (Chris) does me in...
I think that Paul C. and I were writing about micromanagement (MM) in RTSs and how to get away from that... maybe if you took into account the area that a side has or how many buildings etc... that it would allow for longer build ups... then again you don''t want the build up period to last all night!
In my experience, when the first battle is started the game is on a slide to the end. Maybe it''s just the way Chris plays (he usually beats me, I can win against the comp or most anyone else but when he and I play... I''m whoooped!) but, if there were something in game that would make it desirable to rebuild then you could continue the game longer, just as you have wished.
I think that RTSs as a whole need to be revamped. I haven''t played for about 4 months now (AoE2 was the last). I have been playing and enjoying RTSs since C&C but, they all seem to be more of the same.
Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser