
Changes to SelectObject in VC++6?

Started by August 15, 1999 04:05 PM
0 comments, last by Diego 25 years, 6 months ago
According to my programming books the Select Object function is supposed to return an HGDIOBJ struct (the old object) so that it could be set back later. However, according to VC++6 (specifically the little tooltips that comes up when I move the mouse over the function call in my code) the SelectObject function returns a "void* __cdcel" or something like that. Setting an explicit type on the pen/brush doesn't help. Is there another function to get the old object before changing it? or is it safe to just set an object to NULL when shutting down my program?


-Diego"What is wrong with the world today, the government, the media, or your family?"~Papa Roach
I havent had much problem using SelectObject... i HAVE, however, had to typecast...

I dont usually work with Pens or Brushes, just Bitmaps, so my SelectObject code normally looks like

HBITMAP hbmold=(HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc,hbmnew);

i AM using VC++6 to do this, so i know it can be done.

Get off my lawn!

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