
DirectMusic question...

Started by August 31, 2000 08:57 PM
4 comments, last by Ironblayde 24 years, 4 months ago
I released a brief, simple demo of my tile-based RPG early this morning, and someone reported an odd problem. He said that anytime he was moving his character around, the MIDI (via DirectMusic) in the background would break up a little. What would cause such a thing? The entire display is updated the same number of times every second regardless of whether the character is moving or not, so I''m kind of lost on this one. -Ironblayde Aeon Software
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
Perhaps there is some function that is being called when the player moves, that really has a performance hit. That could probably cause things to chop up a little.

The only thing happening differently when the player is moving as opposed to when he is not is one variable being incremented or decremented, so that can''t be it. Thanks, though...

Aeon Software
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
Remember, DirectSound and DirectDraw both go through the same top-level interface, so if DirectDraw is doing some work, it might impact performance with other sub-systems. Well, at least it makes some sense.

A man with no head is still a man.
A head with no man is plain freaky.
Are you experiencing the same problem on your computer? I''m asking because I''ve had the same kind of trouble until I saw that my graphic card and my sound card shared the same IRQ. I changed that and all ran fine .

Not sure it will help, but I thought I''d throw it in .
Nope... a lot of people have tested it, and it''s just that one person who''s experiencing the problem. I''ll ask him to check his sound card settings, thanks.

Aeon Software
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"

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