
The DavidRM???

Started by August 09, 1999 12:41 PM
1 comment, last by DavidRM 25 years, 7 months ago
Just to let you know, that is THE DavidRM :-).

In fact, his company is part of our DeveloperNET that you can see on the left panel of the pages.


Admin for

First off, I gotta say that this messege board is really helpful. that post about Windows Game Programming for Dummies has really influenced me.
Anyway, sorry to break the topic of programming, but browsing through the various messeges, I found a couple of them by DavidRM. My question is to you. Are you the one that made PaintballNET? If so, I LOVE that game, and between my brother and I, we've made you $30 richer through level ups. We play it all day and all night. Get this one. We constantly ARGUE OVER PLAYING such an addictive game.
If you're not THE DavidRM, I'm probably sounding REALLY stupid, but to anyone reading this, you should try the game out yourself. Go to It's a really cool partially FREE paintball game over the internet. Why partially free? Because (if you do what i did) you play for as long as you need to, developing skill and strategies then (if you as get addicted as I did) you register and you get to play more games/day, carry more equipment, and stuff like that. Very cool game! That is all.


Yah. What Khawk said. =)

Thanks for playing.

Samu Games


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