
What is the point of Linux???

Started by August 20, 2000 12:31 AM
19 comments, last by Caijin 24 years, 1 month ago
UML diagrammer??

Look here.

(It''s true... you can find everything on

"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be."
        --William Hazlitt
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
What I like specially about linux ( well, my personal SuSE Linux ) is that I never have to wonder "hmm, do I have an application that will let me do x?". A quick browse through the CDs will usually come up with what I need. All that for the price of about 0.1 Microsoft App! The only thing I haven''t found yet is an UML diagram tool, but that''s probably ''cause I haven''t really looked yet.

I like that too I mean, with Windows you get a couple of apps (Notepad, Calculator, Wordpad), but SuSE Linux (6.4) comes with 6 CD''s full of software. And it''s not crappy software either, gcc and Apache is nice
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
People only use Linux, because it is different, and people like to do cryptic, different things. They like being in a group off by themselves. They just can''t except the fact that Microsof products are so good.
Microsoft apps are way too good. right Microsoft writes non-portable, expensive, bloatware. Why should I pay for Windows, when I can get Linux and X for free, with free upgrades? Why should I pay for apps that are so basic, and crash Windows so many times, just to find out that I could save some stress and a few bucks just cross-compiling? I''ll also note, that alot of Linux programs are ported, why? Because they are good and if they aren''t, you can fix that and send in the improved version.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
Thanks everyone. You have convinced me. Now which Linux version should I get?
UML diagrammer: Dia 0.85. It''s on freshmeat, and it works pretty well. It''s also included in Helix-GNOME, if you have it.

So, why program for Linux? Well, a whole bunch of other people already covered the points for why to use Linux as a server OS, but it goes further than that.

Linux was made by hackers for hackers (not crackers, hackers). This means that it''s an ideal development enviroment, as long as you''re not directly hardwired into MSVC++ (there is life without VC++, and it''s good, but different). You don''t realize exactly how awkward it is to develop in Windows until you''ve programmed under Linux for a while.

Secondly, it''s what i use, so i want games for it.

Thirdly, because the operating system is capital-f Free, it''ll always be developed in the direction that is most useful to the people who use it, rather than the company that sells it. This decreases the chances of stupid solutions and you almost never have to just live with something that''s broken-- it''s either fixed, forgotten, or you can fix it yourself. Plus, because it''s directed by its users, it plays very nice with others (ie, develop on Linux, compile to Linux, Windows, Dos, BeOS, Mac, FreeBSD...) and the libraries often take advantage of this.

Fourth, the wealth of other Free software means that you only have to write new code, rather than spending days upon days rewriting what''s already been done a thousand times before. Granted, you can do that, but you can also borrow from other Free software, as long as you write Free software yourself. Even if you don''t, the tools themselves will help you with development and day to day chores (lex and yacc to write a scripting language for your game, for example).

Finally, why write games for Linux? Because there arn''t that many yet. For some, it''s just the challenge of doing something new; for others, it just means you can get a bigger slice of the pie. For whatever reason, this is a draw to some people.

Try it. Download a copy: if you don''t like it, you can get your money back.


Crackpot Productions--
Senior Cracked Pot--
Crackpot Productions--Senior Cracked Pot--Benc
quote: Original post by Caijin

Thanks everyone. You have convinced me. Now which Linux version should I get?

I recommend getting one that''s easy to set up: SuSE (my favorite, also the only one I''ve tried ), Caldera, Mandrake or Red Hat.
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I think a good point that most of the posters forgot is that linux allows you choices. Where i can choose to program with a variety of APIs and languages on linux, on a windows platform it's c++/vb for windows only. With GCC as a cross compiler you can compile c/c++/java and some other languages to run on virtually any platform. Try to compile your java byte code into SH4 assembly on windows (if you can do it tell me). With windows it's pay more for less.

Here's another 'feature' of windows that has more options on linux. Remote administration. windows comes with no telnet server, you have to buy one, or buy PC Anywhere. With a local X server I can run graphical programs on any unix box like it was right on my desktop. (oh yeah, that's free too)

P.S. Caldera & SuSE are easy to install

Edited by - Jim_Ross on August 23, 2000 10:20:27 AM
Mandrake installs very easily it even partitions the hard disc for you. It also allows you to install Linux on a loopback device so you can test linux out without the hassle of repartitioning your hard disc.
Don''t get me wrong I''m not against Linux in any way. I actually want to use linux. The problem is i can''t understand why people use it. If games don''t tend to work on it (well not as wide a range or as good as in Windows) and the programming you do in it is basically just for Linux programs why do people use it. It might be more stable than windows and basically free but if you can''t do anything with it why bother?
Again i''m not criticising it but just professing my ignorance of the o/s so if anyone can enlighten me please do so. Please don''t flame me as i mean no offence.
Why do you use it?

Mine reasons: It''s free, it''s fast and it let me control almost everything I want. Sometimes your windows installation gets messed up, and there''s nothing you can do about it(I bet the programmers would tell you to reinstall instead of trying to fix it up, and sometimes even this won''t help). I never found any problem I couldn''t fix on linux.

But something must be said. Most people (like me) just can''t delete windows(yet!). My main reason is to play games(but I can get things like Ultima Online and Fallout to run). Also I''m not the only person that uses my computer. At times my little brother wants to play with someone else at microsoft site) so he have to reboot to windows(even though he really likes surfing the web under linux, because he thinks it''s faster- and he''s probably right, thanks to the DNS cache )

Another example. In my house, we have two(and soon will be 3) computers. I use my computer (a linux/windows machine) to share the internet dialup connection. When under windows, I have to use the "Internet Connection Sharing" that comes with windows 98se. It''s a fu_____ beast that do not have almost any configuration options. My other choice would be purchasing yet another commercial software.
When under linux, I''ve just set up ip forwarding, and that''s all. It''s configured the way I want to be, It''s fast(it''s a kernel feature) and free!
Not to mention the fact that I can telnet from the other machine and control anything I want without having to leave my chair.

But I still can''t run Borland C++ Builder to quickly make some windoze programs...
Gaiomard Dragon-===(UDIC)===-

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