
water-terrain blending

Started by August 14, 2000 07:26 PM
1 comment, last by choko 22 years, 10 months ago
I saw Jared Go''s ROAM engine, and he did a very good job. I just don''t know how he blended the terrain with the water??? (he said he used a stencil buffer to render the water, and then he used a run-time generated alpha map, but I don''t know how...) Best, Choko.
I''m interested in terrain rendering too but I''m not an expert.

However I think that the best (and fast) way to render water is to render it as a transparent (blended) plane. So you have no problem in blending water and terrain and you can see underwater!

You can use a mesh and create waves...

If you have only a sea without waves you can use one polygon!

You can use an alpha texture (directly from the height map) to simulate water deep.

I never liked the 1 polygon method cause it kills the lighting, and water is very reflective.

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