And now, a little post-modern philosophy.
quote:So don''t get too hung up on how they used to do it. Ignore them, and come up with your own system, or build upon what went before you. Don''t be enslaved by the notion of the pure origin, "a metaphysical extension which arises from the belief that things are most precious and essential at the moment of birth" (Nietzsche, The Wanderer and his Shadow).
"We have become barbarians with respect to those rare moments of high civilization: cities in ruin and enigmatic monuments are spread out before us; we stop before gaping walls; we ask what gods ingabited these epty temples. Great epochs lacked this curiosity, lacked our excessive deference; they ignored their predecessors: the classical period ignored Shakespeare. The decadence of Europe presents an immense spectacle (while spronger periods refrained from such exhibitions), and the nature of this scene is to represent a theater; lacking monuments of our own making, which properly belong to us, we live among crowded scenes. But there is more. Europeans no longer know themselves; they ignore their mixed ancestries and seek a proper role. They lack indivicuality: We can begin to understand the spontaneous historical bent of the nineteenth century: the anemia of its forces and those mixtures that effaced all its individual traits produced the same results as the morifications of asceticism; its inability to create, its absence of artistic words, and its need to rely on past achievements forced it to adopt the base curiosity of plebs."
- Michael Foucault, "Nietzsche, Genealogy, History"
After all, who''s to say that the ideas Aristotle or Paracelsus used to describe their world will work for a world that you are creating? get bent, Punisher. Not only do you incompletely understand the ideas you''re espousing, you would be wrong even if you did.