Original post by Wavinator
Nanotech helps them to stay healthy as they explore wildly different alien environments or interact with aliens, and the implant helps them store and recall more knowledge than a human normally could.
Are there any side effects to the procedure? Perhaps Instead of drinking water the player has to drink an ionized solution to recharge and replace their nanotech.
If they''re marooned on an unsettled world, too poor, or behind enemy lines however, they have a timed meter for eating and sleeping which kicks in. This creates goal based gameplay no matter what map their on.
Perhaps there could be hunger bar and thirst bar, they stay at zero as long as the player is able to eat at every day. If they can''t eat the bar begins to fill slowly, say 1% every 3 hours. Each food could have a hunger reduction stat, eating that food reduces the hunger bar by its hunger reduction stat. However hunger can only be reduced once every twelve hours, so eating a lot of food would only provide the reduction benefit of the food with highest reduction stat the rest is essentially wasted. The hunger bar would reduces all stats and skill by its propotinal to its current value. So if the play is 5% hungry and then all their stats and skills would be reduced by 5%.
- Eating different vitamin/nano enriched foods raise resistance to one element or disease while always lowering another. Zelenae Brainwheat, for instance, allows them to configure their nano so that the get +2 vs. electrical damage, but -3 versus heat damage.
- The amount raised or lowered depends on the type and quality of food.
- Certain alien foods, like Kovaunn Bilemeal, would require a Will check, depending on the species. Failure would result in an inability to eat the food for that time period.
- Alien/incompatible foods would have the biggest gains but most risk associated, as in temporary poisoning, paralysis or stat loss.
- The quality of the food relates to the ratio of positive to negative effects, as well as its expense
- Cooking food would change nano-properties, and there may be some room for genetic experimentation and cooking gear.
- Civilied areas would contain roaming robot kiosks, restaurants and dives which had varying types and qualities of quisine. Some places in the universe would be more reknown for certain dishes than others.
Parsona 2: eternal punishment allowed you to eat food, it had the effect of temporarly increasing stats, the actual stats and increase depended on the food you ate, the effect where only tempory however and you couldn''t eat anything while you where under the effect of another food. Perhaps the same could be applied here? Rather then having all food permantly change stats, make the changes tempory. There could be specific substance that could provide a perment change but they should be uncommon and perhaps not things that players would normally consider "food".
- Sleeping allows the player to train in their dreams, improving skills
- The player plays a minigame to improve their skills
- Skills don''t become hardcoded in memory until the player wakes up
- They can play one round of the minigame once for each hour they sleep
- They can only sleep a maximum of double the species average (16 for terrans)
- The better they do at the game, the more points they get (from between 1-3 per round)
- The higher their skill, the tougher the game becomes
- Failures in the minigame can erase successes of previous rounds, by so many points
- Players can make their skills go up by more than 1-3 rounds by risking up to 10 points in an existing skill they previously learned. This buys them 1 extra point, but if they lose, they lose 10 skill points. (Their brain is reorganizing neurons and memory).
- Different facilities and gadgets modify the number of rounds they can play. A cot near a noisy machine, for instance, is -6 rounds, while a Dreambed gives +2.
Rather then allow the player to do this whenever they sleep, it might be better to have a special faciliy that is required to do this. Say the Transendance chamber, a special chamber that the player has to pay to use, they can be found at diffrent ports and even purchased at a ridculious fee for the ship. You could have diffrent version of the chamber from the pristine high tech model to the bootleg built from salavge model.
"Fate and Destiny only give you the opportunity the rest you have to do on your own."
Current Design project: Ambitions Slave