What I don't understand is if humans are more sophisticated and advanced than orcs and other monsters, then why don't the kings send out armies to commit genocide on them all instead of having the adventurers do all the work. And a monster can have an economy and still be evil. Like the Ferangy(sp?) from star trek.
Edited by - ManaStone on August 13, 2000 10:16:43 PM
RPG monster rant
quote: Original post by shaggynick
Why does everyone refer to goblins and other of the monster races as being evil. Why can''t orcs, for example, just be another society with different cultures and customs. Just like in the real world. French people, just an example, are different from Americans but should I as an american consider them evil. Nope.
But, dude, what you don''t understand is that the French ARE evil. I mean, Jerry Lewis. That''s all I gotta say...

Just kidding. Seriously, one thing I think we''re forgetting in our quest for absolute consistency is that sometimes it''s a relief to beat up on a straw man. If Orcs are REALLY evil, and they''re kidnapping townsfolk and killing them out of hand, it makes the player''s position that much more certain. I''m all for moral ambiguity, but sometimes it''s a relief to simply, automatically KNOW you''re doing the right thing.
Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Wavinator I have to disagree with your statement of the quest for total consistency. That is exactly what think needs to be avoided. Having a universal type cast for monsters is exactly what I would like to see not happen in games. I would like to see developers coming up with reasons for having there mosters be the way they are. Not just say oh monsters are evil and horde treasure and that is the norm so I''ll just adopt this same fashion. I feel that CRPG''s have reached a stagnant stage where developers are too concerned with cranking out games to make money and not taking the time to spend developing a game worth playing.
But I do agree that if you have a reason for the characters to kill the orcs, ie they are looting towns and killing towns folk, then it give the characters a direction in which to go. A purpose for adventure.
If you want your monsters to not horde treasure then come up with a reason that they shouldn''t. If they do then come up with a reason why they should. Tolkien was the master of this. I remeber reading the Hobbit and knowing the trolls where evil in the land of middle earth by what they did and said. For one they where going to eat the hobbits. Why did smog horde treasure? Mainly for prestige. To show what a great dragon he was besides from the fact that dragons sleep on beds of gold. But this was the world of middle earth. Which is not necessarily the rules of my fantasy or sci-fi world.
Try not to blow my statement out of context. All I am is saying is come up with a reason for why your monsters act the way they do and why if at all they would retain the possesions of the people they have killed along the way. Don''t do the preverbiale cop-out and say a monster is evil cause it is a monster.
And I agree with Paul. Leave a sense of mystery to the game. Don''t just plaster a label on a monster or character and put a big arrow above it''s head saying kill me I''m evil. Let the players decide who or what should be considered good and bad based upon the role they have chosen.
But I do agree that if you have a reason for the characters to kill the orcs, ie they are looting towns and killing towns folk, then it give the characters a direction in which to go. A purpose for adventure.
If you want your monsters to not horde treasure then come up with a reason that they shouldn''t. If they do then come up with a reason why they should. Tolkien was the master of this. I remeber reading the Hobbit and knowing the trolls where evil in the land of middle earth by what they did and said. For one they where going to eat the hobbits. Why did smog horde treasure? Mainly for prestige. To show what a great dragon he was besides from the fact that dragons sleep on beds of gold. But this was the world of middle earth. Which is not necessarily the rules of my fantasy or sci-fi world.
Try not to blow my statement out of context. All I am is saying is come up with a reason for why your monsters act the way they do and why if at all they would retain the possesions of the people they have killed along the way. Don''t do the preverbiale cop-out and say a monster is evil cause it is a monster.
And I agree with Paul. Leave a sense of mystery to the game. Don''t just plaster a label on a monster or character and put a big arrow above it''s head saying kill me I''m evil. Let the players decide who or what should be considered good and bad based upon the role they have chosen.
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