
Connecting to my home Linux machine from work

Started by April 27, 2004 07:45 AM
6 comments, last by polly 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi there, I''m running Red Hat Linux on my Home PC, and would like to be able to connect to my home machine from work. I am currently using Windows XP at work, but am looking to switching over to Linux in the next few days. I am a bit of a Linux newbie, and have been unable to find a tutorial on this anywhere on the web. I would like to be able to run programs on my home pc and transfer files between the two machines, as well as possibly running X applications on my Home machine from work and vica verca. I have the IP address of my Home PC available, but I''m not sure where to go from there. On another note, currently my Linux machine is known as "localhost@localdomain", and as I am settting up a small network at home, I would like to change this to be able to identify different PC''s on the network by name. Cant seem to find anything on configuring this either.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jon
Install OpenSSH on your Linux box, you should find the RPM on one of your RedHat CDs in the RedHat/RPMS directory (if I remember correctly)

On your windows box, simply download PuTTY
it''s a very good SSH client. This way you''ll be able to log on your Linux box.
OK. I actually already have Putty installed on my Work computer, and already use it to to log on to the company server.

So I guess all I need to do is to start an SSH server on my home PC? OpenSSH? And then just use Putty while Im at work to connect to it.

I''m assuming (from what Ive seen) that I cant use Putty to move files around though. Do I do that using some kind of ftp program? Also, if I make the move to Linux at Work, whats the Linux equivilent of Putty as an SSH client?

Any ideas/tutorials on how to set up my home network so not all the PCs on it are called localhost@localdomain?

Thank you for the reply.

quote: Original post by jonpolly99
So I guess all I need to do is to start an SSH server on my home PC? OpenSSH? And then just use Putty while Im at work to connect to it.

Yep. OpenSSH is probably the standard ssh server, and it should come with most distributions.

quote: I''m assuming (from what Ive seen) that I cant use Putty to move files around though. Do I do that using some kind of ftp program? Also, if I make the move to Linux at Work, whats the Linux equivilent of Putty as an SSH client?

Use SFTP (secure FTP) instead of FTP. OpenSSH works as a SFTP server as well as ssh, and the full PuTTY distribution has an SFTP client (PSFTP) in it.

quote: Any ideas/tutorials on how to set up my home network so not all the PCs on it are called localhost@localdomain?

Take a look at the files /etc/hostname and /etc/dnsdomainname. If you want it to be called, then, as root, echo mymachine >/etc/hostname; echo >/etc/dnsdomainname.
OK. Thanks for the advice guys. I''ll give it all a shot tomorrow.

If you switch to Linux at work there's an SSH client that come with any descent distribution (maybe it comes with OpenSSH ?). To see if you have it installed, simply type 'ssh <ip>' without ' and replacing <ip> by the ip or the name of the machine you want to connect to. You will then know if it's installed or not

hope that helps !

EDIT: <ip> not showing

[edited by - lemurion on April 27, 2004 1:14:08 PM]
There''s also this cool feature in konquerer:

Just type fish://user@host/path/to/remote/dir in the adres bar, and you can graphically browse your computer with konquerer, and it all works via ssh (so it''''s secure).
quote: Original post by jonpolly99
I'm assuming (from what Ive seen) that I cant use Putty to move files around though. Do I do that using some kind of ftp program?

Use the file transfer utility that is part of OpenSSH. It is called scp (Secure CoPy, i think )
Usage is pretty similar to standard cp usage, except that you can specify hostnames and usernames:
# scp

Edit: if you use Putty, then you need pscp. You can download it from the same website you got Putty.

[edited by - the_prophet on April 27, 2004 1:30:28 PM]

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