
Hardware acceleration??

Started by April 24, 2004 06:08 PM
2 comments, last by nickmerritt 20 years, 5 months ago
I''m running Redhat linux 9, and the hardware accelerating isn''t working. Ie; myscreen saver is running really slow and that Tuxracer game is too. I was just wondering why, and how to fix it. I have a ATI Radeon 9000 128mb graphics card. Any ideas? Thanks, Nick Merritt
Did you try installing the proprietary ATI drivers? Find out more at
A Radeon 9000 should be accelerated by default in any recent version of XFree86. So, Red Hat apparently setup something sub-optimally. Open a terminal and check the output of "glxinfo", so that we''ll have more to work with. Also, you might want to check what was set for the driver in the "Device" section of the XF86Config-4 file (it might also be called XF86Config; it''ll be located in /etc/X11). The XFree86 log might be helpful too, if you want to take a look at it or post it (the default log is located at /var/log/XFree86.0.log).

It was accelerated at first until I clicked on a RPM which I forgot was a graphics driver. It was one of the 3 Radeon 9000 drivers. But I think it was the wrong one, I should really label things better! Anyways can I change it in X Setup or something.
Thanks, so far. I''ll try looking at the log ect.. when I get home.

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