Original post by TechnoGoth
Speaking of money, that leads me to another thought that occourded to me while watching CSI, money has weight. For instance $10,000,000 wieghts over 250 pounds. So how come money doesn''t wieght anything in rpgs and takes up no space? I would think carrying a few million gold coins around in your pocket would slow you down a little.
another good point. IN most RPGs I have worked on, the system of money is staggered - here''s an example.
wood coins - daka
iron coins - imfu. 1 iron coin = 15 wood coins
gold coins - anchu. 1 gold coin = 25 iron coins
jewel coins - eldas. 1 jewel coin = 10 gold coins
well, I didn''t use base 10 when computing the value of said coins. It gives it an ''old world'' feel. Stores would automatically convert yor money to the highest denominator if you asked them to. Also, certain layers of money have limits on what they can buy, but any higher coin can buy any lower tier of items.
good point TechnoGoth, and since I titled this thread ''Thoughts on Money,'' a more than certainly valid one.
Some people have mentioned a sort of happy medium- only humanoids carry money, but animals carry resources. A problem with the whole ''butcher'' thing. This method has been used before. The game Radia Senki for NES. PRobably one of the best RPGs of all time, but still - You got ''meat'' from killing almost any type of enemy. It maxed out at 9999. Meat was so valuable, I was able to afford top of the line weapons and gear for every player, every time I went to a new town.
btw, 2 points go out to anyone else who has played Radia Senki, or Chronicles of the Radia Tower. That game is worth your time.