
Tomagotchi-like Game

Started by April 19, 2004 11:26 PM
1 comment, last by Tac-Tics 20 years, 10 months ago
I am thinking of making a rather simple digital pet game for one of my friends. Does anyone know of any similar projects I can look at to give me some ideas? I have a few ideas of how to go about it, but I''m not sure what it takes to make one of these games *fun* to play. Any help is thanks.
There are two major components to a virtual pet.

The first is needs. A simple set of five or six gradually degrading and related "needs" will come in and out of salience. If these get too severely out of whack, negative side effects will result.

The other element is activities. As a rule, to keep things interesting, an activity that improves one element of the thing''s condition will probably harm another element. Playing reduces "bored" but increments "tired" and hungry. Eating reduces "hungry" but raises "bored" and sleeping lowers "bored" with no side effects beyond the inertia and gradual increase of "hungry".

That sort of thing. I''m sure someone around here has got some algorithms for you.
how about the ability to fast forward boring bits, not ''realistic'' but certainly useful.

pets that greet you depending on how they feel / about you.

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