'Spy' game interface?
I know that this might sound like a silly question, but can anyone direct me to some
"good" screenshots of spy games? Any and all replies would
be greatly appreciated!
Specifically, the ''console'' -- i.e., where you see
all sorts of cool gadets, powerup information, life, etc. I am *NOT* looking for 3D Screeshots,
I am looking for the ''interface'' thing (like a ''matrix'' style/''spy'' style, etc)... maybe metallic,
but specifically it should have the following:
(a) A ''spy'' profile screenshot (i.e., showing a picture, special abilities, powerups, etc)
(b) An ''inventory'' screenshoot (i.e., special options)
(c) Targets to attack/mission list/etc
Basically, I am trying to design something myself, but am having a bit of difficulty making
it ''look good''... And am trying to get some ideas on how to put all my components together
so it looks great.
Clarify "spy". James Bond? Ethan Hunt? Sidney Reilley? Magnus Pymm? Robert Philip Hanssen?
Do the shots have to be of games, or are dossiers acceptable?
Do the shots have to be of games, or are dossiers acceptable?
don''t care what kind of game it is, as long as it is screenshots.
I just need to get an idea of how to make my interface ''look good''. Like, I''ve creted my characters, have most of the
programming done, etc -- but I just don''t quite know how to
put it "together" to make it look good.
I.e., selecting a character, seeing their dossier, etc.
(Unforutately don''t have a PS/2/XBOx etc, partially because
if I bought one, I''d be playing games all day instead of working!
I just need to get an idea of how to make my interface ''look good''. Like, I''ve creted my characters, have most of the
programming done, etc -- but I just don''t quite know how to
put it "together" to make it look good.
I.e., selecting a character, seeing their dossier, etc.
(Unforutately don''t have a PS/2/XBOx etc, partially because
if I bought one, I''d be playing games all day instead of working!

For the profile, just use the classic "manila folder" look: A simple manila file folder, laying open on a table, with a fact sheet (usually a filled-out form) on one side with the general description, date of birth, known affiliations, current status, etc. recorded on it, and a photograph paperclipped to the other side. There may be multiple sheets of info or photos, but that''s a simple navigation thing.
Inventory is a little tough, since a spy won''t exactly have a backpack full of cyanide pills and Minox cameras, but you could have each item in the character''s possession mapped out by location on the body. When you hit the "inventory" button, have a little wheel of items would appear, a la Secret of Mana, with the gadgets depicted around him with a little line pointing to where on his body it is. A lockpick in his breast pocket, a miniature camera in his trousers pocket, a dead-drop spike in his boot, a stolen security pass in his hatband, etc.
For mission lists, you can either just present it as text or else have him flip open a book of matches with the list scrawled on it or maybe a cocktail napkin. If he''s at HQ, you could just root through his file cabinets. It would be neat to make a mission list optional. If you decide to write it down, that might be discovered and you could be caught, but if you don''t, then you won''t have that handy reference.
I don''t think you should trawl through a bunch of screenshots to get your inspiration. The reason why I asked what sort of spy you''re dealing with is the James Bond can just do everything with his wristwatch or his cell phone, while Sydney Reilley would have to get by with a pen knife, a cigar and his good looks.
Inventory is a little tough, since a spy won''t exactly have a backpack full of cyanide pills and Minox cameras, but you could have each item in the character''s possession mapped out by location on the body. When you hit the "inventory" button, have a little wheel of items would appear, a la Secret of Mana, with the gadgets depicted around him with a little line pointing to where on his body it is. A lockpick in his breast pocket, a miniature camera in his trousers pocket, a dead-drop spike in his boot, a stolen security pass in his hatband, etc.
For mission lists, you can either just present it as text or else have him flip open a book of matches with the list scrawled on it or maybe a cocktail napkin. If he''s at HQ, you could just root through his file cabinets. It would be neat to make a mission list optional. If you decide to write it down, that might be discovered and you could be caught, but if you don''t, then you won''t have that handy reference.
I don''t think you should trawl through a bunch of screenshots to get your inspiration. The reason why I asked what sort of spy you''re dealing with is the James Bond can just do everything with his wristwatch or his cell phone, while Sydney Reilley would have to get by with a pen knife, a cigar and his good looks.
I guess it depends on what your story''s context would allow as far as "sci-fi freedom". If you give us some more information about your game (and some of the unique features), we might be able to help. Maybe an in-game interface would actually suit the game just as well - and it surely doesn''t lose the same amount of disbelief as thumbing through a menu.
Personally, I think the manilla folder, etc. ideas are way too overly used. So much for depending on EA to innovate. Why design when they can copy?
Personally, I think the manilla folder, etc. ideas are way too overly used. So much for depending on EA to innovate. Why design when they can copy?
______________________________________________The title of "Maxis Game Designer" is an oxymoron.Electronic Arts: High Production Values, Low Content Values.EA makes high-definition crap.
thanks for the suggestions
but what I *REALLY* need
is some screenshots!
not because to copy or something like that, but to get
an idea of something that looks ''good'', i.e., in terms
of layout... I.e., should a manilla folder take exactly
half the screen, 1/4 of the screen, which corner, etc.
using words to describe it doesn''t really help (hence
I guess the expression ''a picture is worth a thousand
)... soo............. if ANYONE can point me
to some screenshots -- or better still -- I guess --
any games you''ve played that had good interfaces, please
let me know. (name the games).

is some screenshots!
not because to copy or something like that, but to get
an idea of something that looks ''good'', i.e., in terms
of layout... I.e., should a manilla folder take exactly
half the screen, 1/4 of the screen, which corner, etc.
using words to describe it doesn''t really help (hence
I guess the expression ''a picture is worth a thousand

to some screenshots -- or better still -- I guess --
any games you''ve played that had good interfaces, please
let me know. (name the games).
Sketch out various possibilities first on paper (as in dead tree stuff), and get an idea of what looks best that way.
Why do you NEED screenshots? Your interface is going to represent the items you use in your game? Why not trial some possible ideas of your own, maybe providing demo copies of your game with the different interfaces to people and asking them which one they prefer, you know some market research as such. having screenshots will just allow you to copy what has been done before.
And you might want to do a google on
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow
Metal Gear Solid
Mission Impossible
And any others that are mentioned. They are all big games and I can as good as guarantee you will find screenshots on their official websites.
If things seem bad, think that they can get a whole load worse, and they don''t seem so bad anymore
And you might want to do a google on
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow
Metal Gear Solid
Mission Impossible
And any others that are mentioned. They are all big games and I can as good as guarantee you will find screenshots on their official websites.
If things seem bad, think that they can get a whole load worse, and they don''t seem so bad anymore
Hey, I know this one is a really OLD game, but I loved it.. if you are designing or implementing a spy-related game, don''t miss the chance of taking a look at the old Microprose title called "Covert Action".
That game may be really old, but it was the was spying game ever made, I can''t stress enough you to search for it in the net and ive it a try. You could earn a lot of tips not just for the interface.
"To Iterate is human, To Recurse Divine..."
That game may be really old, but it was the was spying game ever made, I can''t stress enough you to search for it in the net and ive it a try. You could earn a lot of tips not just for the interface.
"To Iterate is human, To Recurse Divine..."
---"To Iterate is human, To Recurse Divine..."
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