
Copyright question...

Started by April 18, 2004 04:14 AM
2 comments, last by Kameron2k1 20 years, 7 months ago
I''m currently working on a game that i plan to sell as a shareware title. The game is based on movie. My game has the same main title as the movie (different subtitle though). Is it legal to sell something like this? The game is only being created by one person(me) and it''s not like it''ll get mass distribution, but I''m using its title and story as the games main theme. So, any one know if this is or isn''t safe?
No, you can''t do that. It is like calling a game:
Star Wars: Urban War
It is the main title that the company will have under copyright, so don''t risk it, just change the title of your game a bit.
Get a thesarus and look up your words, and change them using the book.
Good luck with your game.
Wicked Arcade is right. What you are doing is breach of copyright as your work is derived (based on) a copyrighted movie. Of course lots of people create "fan fiction" and don''t get into trouble (because their efforts aren''t good enough to get noticed) so you might get away with. Unfortunately if your game is successful then the movie company will notice and may come after you.

Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions (
Game Development & Design consultant
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
Fanfiction gets under the radar because there is normally no profit involved. If you made a site where you had to pay to read fanfiction, or tried selling books of it, you would be sud immediately (actually there are companies that will sue even if there is no profit involved, i.e. Fox).

Regardless of whether there is profit, making a game based on a movie is a sure way to get sued should the studio ever catch wind of it. You are unjustly stealing potential profits that woud belong to them should they decide to make a(nother) game based on their property.

Besides, movie based games normally have a strike against them anyway, and that''s because they lack originality. Come up with your own ideas, people will like those more then a hack based on something they already know (and for which the real fans will likely pick you apart for inaccuracy)

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