What did you mean by "rhino and PSP being by far not the best
programs out there" ? Well obviously that they are, but I''m gonna
have to take you up on that. Of course PSP5 is just low budget
low line - low program, and psp6 put in a few features but it''s
basicly still the same shit, but Rhino is a totaly different
story. Rhino3d is one of the best MODELERS out there, sure it
doesn''t do half the stuff 3dMax or TS4 do, but the stuff it does
do, it does far better than both 3dmax or TS - Modeling,
since that''s what the program is for, and it does it with
professional quality. It''s not a 3d package, so it''s not a good
idea to refer newbies to it, it''s a Modeler to be used with
other programs such as lightwave or 3dMax
If you''re looking for 2d - Photoshop or Painter are your
best choices (especialy Photoshop). if you''re looking for a 3d
Package/Program you should probably look into TS4 because that''s
the easiest to get into, or blender because it''s free (I however
can''t stand the interface)
Also as you did say - it is quite easy to use, once you get
past learning how to use the nurbs efectively. It has literaly
hundreds of tools, and by FAR the best interface compared to any
other program I used, so if you''re interested in using it good
for you but get a program like 3dMax or Lightwave(If you can
dish out that much) if you''re interested in making quality 3d graphics.
anyways- I should shut up now (ANd I think I will)