
Cel shading help?

Started by April 03, 2004 12:49 AM
3 comments, last by kc_0045 20 years, 11 months ago
Hey i im wondring what type of modle the cel shading thingy uses? im going to try and make a game with that but i cant make any new modles with it so how would i make more for it? thanks in advanced.
Your question is slightly confusing, however, I believe that if you just added support for any model type (ie 3D Studio MAX''s Shape file .3ds or even MilkShape 3D .ms3d file formats) then you should be able to use any format that you wish, you just need to break them appart correctly.

Try to take a look at the display list tutorial and the Adding MilkShape Models to your program tutorials. I believe that they are lesson #12 and 31.
I''m not sure what you are asking, but has a few more cell shading tutorials if your intrested.
oh sorry i didnt make my self very clear basicly i was asking what type of modle that tut used but im going to add support of milkshape so it dont matter :D and ty for the links if you have any others plz post them im having some problems geting it to work .
Id also recomment looking at the Camera tutorial on the main page of nehe''s site if you havent already, it can save you a wackload of time.

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