
What to do when an RPM can't be found.

Started by March 31, 2004 07:14 AM
7 comments, last by template 20 years, 5 months ago
I''m looking for an RPM for and I can''t find any for Mandrake 10 so I''m not sure what to do, could I try installing an RPM for another distribution(i.e. Redhat) or would that not work/break something? I need to find this so I can install X11R6-contrib.
RPM''s are binary only distribution of compiled source code. In this package format you can tweak settings, etc. but you run a much higher rate of failure (read breaking something) if you use a package not compiled for your system/distro.

Grab a source tar and build it yourself. Quick crash course:
tar -zxvf foo.tar.gz || tar -jxvf foo.tar.bz2
cd foo
(The following is usally in the README too, btw)
./make install
Thanks. Isn''t it generally a bad idea to install things from the source though? If you install things from the source a lot won''t it leave your system cluttered up and make it difficult to remove programs completely?
quote: Original post by template
Thanks. Isn''t it generally a bad idea to install things from the source though? If you install things from the source a lot won''t it leave your system cluttered up and make it difficult to remove programs completely?

This generally isn''t an issue. Linux doesn''t have a registry to be cluttered and it has very central locations for all the locations of new programs. The only real disadvantages of compiling things from the source is that it doesn''t handle dependancies automatically and the compilation can take very long (it took me like an hour to compile Anjuta). Slackware (which I use) doesn''t have a dependancy system at all and very few programs are distributed in its binary format, so I have to compile most programs from the source. Its not too bad, though. Its worth it for Slackware''s control and speed (I used to use SuSE which is the exact opposite - a huge repository and really good control of install and independancies, but somewhat lacking in control and speed).

Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)
Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Removal of self-compiled stuff can be a bit more painful than packages. But I believe "make uninstall" usually works.
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
If you have a libXaw3d.a, you might be able to generate the .so file from that. Even though it''s not generally recommended, I did it once with one of the X libraries and it worked as far as i could tell.
I''m only somewhat familiar with linux, but I believe the .so extension is "shared object" and usually is installed as a part of some "bigger" package. For example, if you install drivers for certain things those will be installed.

I may be wrong though... like I said, I have only a basic level of knowledge re linux.
Have you seen this? I didn''t look at it too close, but it looks like it may have what you want...
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