
Software guitar amp?

Started by March 24, 2004 05:04 PM
18 comments, last by Promit 20 years, 10 months ago
My guitar doesn't really sound the same through line in, so I was wondering if there was a software guitar amp I could use. It doesn't have to be amazing with like 50 billion effects and all, just a simple, straight forward piece of freeware that'll take the line in that my guitar is plugged into and make it sound like it's through a real amp, not my computer. P.S. I mean a stand alone app, not a VST. I have VSTs already. [edited by - Promit on March 24, 2004 6:11:05 PM]
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
You don''t want to hear it, but there are VSTs for this. You want to look for distortion/od modules. You said you "have VSTs" but there are tens of thousands, and I''m sure you haven''t seen even close to all of them yet.
You''re missing the point.

A VST is essentially a post-processor. I need something to do it in real-time, if it exists (for free that is; I''ve found non-free ones already).
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
GarageBand does all of these fairly cheaply; it comes free with any new Mac... Of course if you don''t have a mac...
Depending on your sound setup on your computer, you may never find something that satisfies you. Especially if you have small speakers. Of course, it''s always possible that I don''t have a clue... It''s been known to happen!


I''ve got AmpliTube Live and it works great, so I''m sure that plain AmpliTube that works on Windows should do fine.
I have decent speakers, and I''m not concerned about it sounding amazing. I''ll still run the input through a VST when I''m composing, and I have an amp in my room. I just want something I can play to before I actually start composing or whatever so I can get an idea for what stuff will sound like without running back and forth between my room and my computer, and without constantly recording and playing back.

I''ll take a look at AmpliTube.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
For myself, cuz I suck at playing my electric, I use a guitar synth called ''Superquartet''(which also includes drums, piano and bass in the synth). ALl the guitars with this are actually pretty clean (non-distorted etc)...

Cakewalk comes with a plug-in called ''Ampsim'', which has some neato vintage amp simulators, which then you can use with superquartet, which gives a neato distorted guitar sound.

But of course, it sucks if you dont have either the synth, or Sonar....but is possible. You might be able to find Ampsim on the net somewhere, or something similar that works with what you are using. Superquartet is a commercial product (AUD$495)...anyway....

Original post by Promit
You're missing the point.

A VST is essentially a post-processor.

There are 2 responses to this:

1) Yes, and so are guitar amplifiers.
A) No, VSTs are perfectly capable of running in real-time.

This place has some sort of tube amp sim:
I think the 'Distortion DS-DT1' plugin is pretty good too, although I believe that's a DirectX plugin, not a VST one. No sure where to get it from these days though.

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[edited by - Kylotan on March 27, 2004 9:03:25 PM]
hi to all
i have a great plugin for guitar distor.
i can mail it to u!
made from some guys in a university

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