
Mouse Co-Ordinates

Started by March 16, 2004 09:59 AM
0 comments, last by Ructions 20 years, 11 months ago
I have text on screen and i want the mouse pointer to be able to click on them. But how do you convert windows mouse co-ordinates to opengl co-ordinates. so that i can click on them. Is it effected if the window is windowed and no fullscreen how to implement this Thanks in advance Ructions
Use gluUnProject. for the z coord use gluUnProject with 0 and 1
and you will have a line. Test to see if this line is colliding with the text.

Here''s the code I use

Vectors3f MouseToOpenGL(int X,int Y,float Z)
// DO NOT call this between glBegin & glEnd
GLdouble TempX;
GLdouble TempY;
GLdouble TempZ;
GLint Viewport[4];
GLdouble ModelView[16];
GLdouble Projection[16];
Vectors3f TempV((float)TempX,(float)TempY,(float)TempZ);

You can also calculate a 3D bounding box for the text to make it easier

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