
Need help to Explain Lesson01 Debug Results

Started by March 15, 2004 08:03 AM
3 comments, last by singulab 20 years, 11 months ago
I don''t know if it is noted before but here is what I observed. When I run Lesson01 in VC++ with F5, the following results are obtained in debug when I choose Fullscreen then press F1, F1. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DCIMAN32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GLU32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CRTDLL.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OPENGL32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VERSION.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NTDLL.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DDRAW.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\i81xgicd.dll'', no matching symbolic information found. --------------------------------------------------------------- First-chance exception in lesson1.exe (I81XGICD.DLL): 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction. --------------------------------------------------------------- This one may be from ChoosePixelFormat(). Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RPCRT4.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSOSS.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CRYPT32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCRT.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSCAT32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINTRUST.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IMAGEHLP.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSSIP32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RSABASE.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\i81xgdev.dll'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\I81XDD.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSCAT32.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Loaded ''C:\MOUSE\SYSTEM\LGMOUSHK.DLL'', no matching symbolic information found. Should be after first F1 ------------------------------------------------------------- WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: Restore: DDERROR = DDERR_WRONGMODE WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: Restore: DDERROR = DDERR_WRONGMODE WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: IsLost: DDERROR = DDERR_SURFACELOST WGL Message:WGL: __wglDDrawSurfaceRestore: Restore: DDERROR = DDERR_WRONGMODE -------------------------------------------------------------- The thread 0xFFF45309 has exited with code -1 (0xFFFFFFFF). The thread 0xFFF4447D has exited with code 0 (0x0). The program ''C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Lesson01\Debug\lesson1.exe'' has exited with code 0 (0x0). Can anyone explain if this is harmful or buggy please? Singulab
Hmm from the WGL messages it''s giving you it looks like whatever mode you''re trying to set isn''t supported on your Hardware, what kind of graphics card do you have?
I think it is an Intel 82810E Graphics Controller.

Actually I am not having any visible problems at all running Lesson01. I was expanding on the code when some problems happened. Occasionally the viewport seems to be "chop off" at the top, and sometimes the screen is filled with rubbish (some programs writing on my memory). I tried to look at the debug output and that's what I have written. Maybe it is my code's fault...

If anyone knows how to program in DirectX maybe the error code is familiar. I tried to search it up in MSDN and I only found a list of DirectX stuff, with a topic like IDrawSurface::[something].

Any suggestions please?


[edited by - singulab on March 16, 2004 2:46:30 AM]
Can you post the code you added? The problems probably there.
It is kind of another basecode I'm trying to write, and I think the problem is around these functions

bool COpenGL::FullScreen(){	if (m_cDevice.TestMode(m_rct.right - m_rct.left, m_rct.bottom -, m_nBits))	{		m_bFullScreen = true;		m_cDevice.FullScreen();		m_cWindow.Resize(&m_rct, m_bFullScreen);		m_cWindow.Show(SW_SHOWNORMAL);		return true;	}	return false;}void COpenGL::Windowed(){	m_bFullScreen = false;	m_cWindow.Resize(&m_rct, m_bFullScreen);	m_cWindow.Show(SW_SHOWNORMAL);	m_cDevice.Windowed();}void CWindow::Show(int nCmdShow){	SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd);	SetFocus(m_hWnd);	ShowWindow(m_hWnd, nCmdShow);}void CWindow::Resize(RECT* lprct, bool bFullScreen){	//Call the AdjustWindowRect and Style setting part of Lesson01	SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle);	SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);	SetWindowPos(m_hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED);	MoveWindow(m_hWnd, rct.left,, rct.right - rct.left, rct.bottom -, false);}// m_bNewMode is set whenever a new full screen mode is set// m_bFullScreen is whether it is full screen nowvoid CDevice::FullScreen(){	if (m_bReady && m_bNewMode)	{		ChangeDisplaySettings(&m_dmSettings, CDS_FULLSCREEN);		m_bFullScreen	= true;		m_bNewMode		= false;	}}void CDevice::Windowed(){	if (m_bFullScreen)	{		if (ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_TEST) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL)		{			ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_RESET);			ChangeDisplaySettings(&m_dmOriginal, CDS_RESET);		}		else			ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_RESET);		m_bFullScreen	= false;		m_bNewMode		= true;	}}

But the point I am really confused about is that the Lesson01 seemed to have problems! I just would like to know if others share the same problems.

Could anyone please try running Lesson01 and see if they have the problems listed in first post?

Thanks in advance

[edited by - singulab on March 17, 2004 2:31:30 AM]

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