Original post by Paul Cunningham
I probably stay up so late due to lack of disapline or something crazy like that. I''ve got i crazy life sytle. I look forward to friday/saturday not so i can go party but so i can go around to a friends place, drink a lot and play heaps of games (N64 and PSX). They know me at the video shop by name. I think they quit the freebie game with every 4 games rented because of me 
Thus is life.
I love Game Design and it loves me back.
Our Goal is "Fun"!
LOL about the video store, but about your lifestyle; Who says it''s crazy? That''s what I''m doing on this weekend. Except it isn''t PSX and N64, it is full-on LAN party... specifically devoted to Diablo II

. I expect some Shogun as well (great for Multiplay

Anyway... lets see if I can get this back on topic. Didn''t DN3D have a money theme? At least for those machines... I never really played it, but I am pretty sure there were vending machines, I am not so sure about the money part though

. I would like to see Wolf3D Networked and the treasure used as a monetary asset

... That would be cool, I love playing Wolf (still) and I got it when it first came out in the U.S. (I was in england at the time, but I had a pirated full version off a friend of mine

Anyways... I think we managed to ge this thread off topic enough... lets see what happens now
-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)
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