
FPS economics and Deathmatchs and triggers

Started by August 01, 2000 09:39 AM
23 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 4 months ago
I think a neat idea for a FPS would be to introduce economic situations in FPS''s in SP and DM. My imagination ran wild last night when i was listening to some music and thinking up FPS Deathmatch games. It was just to too tooo cool to forget and it didn''t quite look right in my scrapbook so i''m going to waste a bit of hard drive space I had just finished reading a few pages of map design in a book i''m reading and started to think about bases in a FPS deathmatch. There''s a lot of potential here. I was thinking that each player has a base and within there base there''s switches that activate gun turrets, lights, makes weapons, etc. But there more time you spend in you home bases the more progress your opponent makes out on the map collecting cash and technologies. I was also thinking about having power positions in a deathmatch game. Areas in the map where you can do things like turn multiple lights on and off to temporarily blind your opponents. I also thought up a really cool weapon called the AGP or Acid Gas Pump which works like a flame thrower but it keeps damaging your enemies way after you''ve attacked them with it. Whee But back to economics in FPS''s. Wouldn''t it be better if you picked up cash instead of weapons. This way you could choose you weapon at a Automatic Weapon Disposal Machine I know this has been done in games like Futureshock 2 but i hated that game, yuck. It can be done properly i think. Feel free to dump your crazy thoughts for a FPS here It''s fun. I love Game Design and it loves me back. Our Goal is "Fun"!
Sounds like a good idea... and it seriously looks like you are pushing the Eco movement... Just the way I seem to be pushing NPC''s... hehe.

Money in FPS would be cool, but useless in DeathMatch games, think about it... you go to buy your weapon/rounds and get a rocket shot up your arse (I am thinking Doom II here what a great deathmatch level the first one was). There would need to be something to remedy that situation, like a protective barrier or something...

Now for some REAL people with REAL ideas (ie.. anyone but me)

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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You could have safety zones where you can temporarily lock the doors around you when you do your purchasing. It could also be done with hotkeys to speed up the purchasing act. Example, you run up to a Auto-Weapon-Machine and hit F1 to F12 to buy various weapons.

I''m now going to make a thread just for weapons

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Cool, you could probably just have a portal that teleports a player to a room and make sure that only one player can be in that room at any one time. Or you could make multiples of the room and the players can go to different rooms (still through the portal)... I am falling asleep now, how come ur up so late Paul?

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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quote: Original post by dwarfsoft

Cool, you could probably just have a portal that teleports a player to a room and make sure that only one player can be in that room at any one time. Or you could make multiples of the room and the players can go to different rooms (still through the portal)... I am falling asleep now, how come ur up so late Paul?

I probably stay up so late due to lack of disapline or something crazy like that. I''ve got i crazy life sytle. I look forward to friday/saturday not so i can go party but so i can go around to a friends place, drink a lot and play heaps of games (N64 and PSX). They know me at the video shop by name. I think they quit the freebie game with every 4 games rented because of me
Thus is life.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!
quote: Original post by Paul Cunningham

I probably stay up so late due to lack of disapline or something crazy like that. I''ve got i crazy life sytle. I look forward to friday/saturday not so i can go party but so i can go around to a friends place, drink a lot and play heaps of games (N64 and PSX). They know me at the video shop by name. I think they quit the freebie game with every 4 games rented because of me
Thus is life.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!

LOL about the video store, but about your lifestyle; Who says it''s crazy? That''s what I''m doing on this weekend. Except it isn''t PSX and N64, it is full-on LAN party... specifically devoted to Diablo II . I expect some Shogun as well (great for Multiplay ).

Anyway... lets see if I can get this back on topic. Didn''t DN3D have a money theme? At least for those machines... I never really played it, but I am pretty sure there were vending machines, I am not so sure about the money part though . I would like to see Wolf3D Networked and the treasure used as a monetary asset ... That would be cool, I love playing Wolf (still) and I got it when it first came out in the U.S. (I was in england at the time, but I had a pirated full version off a friend of mine ).

Anyways... I think we managed to ge this thread off topic enough... lets see what happens now

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Can you tell me what shogun means please

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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"Shogun" is a japanese word that designates the military dictator that was effectively ruling the country instead of the Emperor in some troubled period of the past (no I don''t remember the dates).

Alternatively, it''s an excellent serie with Richard Chamberlain.

As well, it''s a superb strategy AND tactics game. I won''t dwelve into the details, except that it''s the kind of game I want to play, it takes into account writings such as SunTzu''s Art of War as well as Miyamoto Musashi''s Book of Five Rings, oh, and it needs a damn f*cking 3D card to run decently on my machine, which is the reason I haven''t bought it.
God I hate that.

youpla :-P

(I have comments for the actual thread, but it''s 1:40am, so I''ll stop right there and fall asleep, hopefully I''ll thnk about stoping the modem before I collapse...)
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
I thought there might be a second meaning to shogun by the way Dwaftsoft was using the word.

3D cards causing you grief ahw, you can have mine, i don''t use it anymore. I can''t stand all the installation crap, these days i always use consoles. To many bit''s and pieces attached to micr*softs crapinow''s 95.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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There is such a FPS twist out there, the firearms mod for Half-life works a bit like what u''re describing, but instead of cash it''s got reinforcements point or something along those lines. You also have a set amount of cash everytime you die, and can redistribute them to armor, bandages, grenades and weapons everytime u spawn...

Maybe not what u were after...


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