
how can i zoom

Started by February 25, 2004 12:35 PM
3 comments, last by dawid 21 years ago
how can i zoom without use translate(0,0,zoom);
You will want to lower the POV.

Although I don''t know if there is a way to change the POV without calling glPersective()
without use translate(0,0,zoom);

Moving the world towards camera is not zooming at all. As Skew said, you need to alter the Field of View. If you want to zoom 2x, you need to divide the original FOV by 2 (so if is 90, it will become 45) and so on.

And if you don''t want to call glPerspective, you can always alter the projection (not modelview) matrix directly.
Society's never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like each other.
Heh, yeah FOV, I had a brain fart.
thanxs guys - i appeciate it alot.

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