
Ever used a Creative Wireless Desktop kb/mouse in linux?

Started by February 19, 2004 05:45 AM
0 comments, last by fractoid 20 years, 7 months ago
I have a Creative Wireless Desktop usb keyboardk/mouse combo. It has served me well (under XP) for more than six months now, but I want to install linux. I''m currently leaning towards Mandrake, but I''m open to evangelical arguments for anything meeting the following requirements: 1) First and foremost, my mouse has to work! 2) Must run on intel architecture. 3) Must support dual monitor via ATI Radeon 9600 pro. 4) Hopefully has a slick window manager, and be geared towards someone who while technically a power user (I admin a debian web gateway ; ) would like to spend as little as possible time frigging around with getting things working. A google search for "''Creative Wireless Desktop'' linux" returns mostly links to unanswered forum posts asking how to get this recalcitrant beast working, so hopefully the enlightened GameDev community can do better. Thanks for your advice!
Any (x86) distro will support that. The question is whether it will come installed or you have to do it yourself. The main issue is the mouse thing; look for supported hardware lists of various distros.

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