
!!!!HELP!!!! ( VC 7 .net )

Started by February 18, 2004 04:18 PM
5 comments, last by l_ahriman 21 years ago
I''ve encountered problems while compiling source codes from the site. When i use NEHE projects everything is OK but when i create new project ( visual c++ project --> managed c++ empty project ) and copy the source code in it there are errors while linking ( missing glaux function definitions ?? ). Could anyone give me the proper procedure to create that project ( maybe some options should be changed but as far as i search nothing differs between that 2 projects ). Thanx
o O l_ahriman O o
The problem is that you haven''t linked the .lib-s of the .dll-s those functions are defined in, this will cause an unresolved external symbol error.

Link the libs this way:

#pragma comment(lib,"somelib.lib")

or link them using the project settings dialog. (you will have to link opengl32.lib glaux.lib in your case and probably glu32.lib and glut32.lib).
It works!!! Thanx a loooooooooooooooooooot.
o O l_ahriman O o
*sigh* how come noone reads the first part of Lesson 1?
The Love Of Trees
Because we always answer this question
Why are you making a managed C++ project?

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Original post by chowe6685
Because we always answer this question

They could just search on Google like I did when I didn''t read the top of lesson 1 for the error and they''d get the answer almost straight away!
The Love Of Trees

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