

Started by February 13, 2004 06:26 PM
6 comments, last by bargasteh 21 years ago
Hello every one I am working on a program that can find the exact position of a human on screen (motion detector). the program that i use to take a snapshot from video footage can only save the snapshot in a BMP format. but I need to convert that BMP file to a RAW file because I feel much more comfortable using RAW instead of BMP. I use a *.exe file called BMP2RAW.exe, it works perfectly when I run this file followed by my bmp file name in DOS command prompt. but I have a little problem using it on my program. i use the following line: ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:\\BMP2RAW.exe", "bmpfilename", NULL, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); and also i use Borland C++ Builder 6 does any one know that why it does not work properly ? or do you know any other program instead of BMP2RAW ? thank you
OpenGl + C++
Er, write your own routine? Just an idea.

You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
As python_regious points out, building your own convertor would probably be the best way to go (not the easiest certainly, but you''ll learn a lot by doing it), head on over to Wotsit and grab the filespecs for bitmaps - they''re really a very simple structure to work with.

I don''t use C++ so I may be very wrong here, but shouldn''t your call to the executable be "C:\BMP2RAW.exe" rather than "C:\\BMP2RAW.exe"? Also I''m pretty sure that Windows wants you to use SW_SHOWNORMAL when calling ShellExecute for a window for the first time.

Darren Clark
Original post by eSCHEn
...but shouldn''t your call to the executable be "C:\BMP2RAW.exe" rather than "C:\\BMP2RAW.exe"? ...

Nope, "\\" is correct, you have to use the escape sequence...
Thank you for your replys

I have only one problem and it is time.
I have to finish this project in 1 month or maximum 2.
that is why I want to use a utility to convert the BMP to RAW.
So do you have any ideas now ?
my program is a bit complex and I would like to focuse my time and brain on other parts of project.


OpenGl + C++
It''s not exactly hard to write your own converter. It shouldn''t take longer than about... Oohh, 2 minutes. Depending on how quick you are at typing. But then, hey, you might aswell just load the bitmap file. It''s one of the more simple image formats.

You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
thank you python_regious

I did what you said and I used the BMP file instead of converting it to RAW, but as you know almost most of the people who do image processing prefer to use RAW.
also I found out that BMP with 8-bit format is more or less the same as RAW because I didnt change any part of my code and it works.
Also the funny thing is that i dont know much about images
OpenGl + C++
It doesn''t really matter what you use, the underlying buffer is converted into whatever format the image processor wants to use at loadtime anyway. The bitmap format is nothing like the RAW format ( i.e. bitmaps have header, file and palette information. RAW is just a dump of the buffer basically ), so if your RAW loader is working on a bitmap, then you''re just very lucky, and it really shouldn''t.

You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

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