
Windows 2000 source released

Started by February 12, 2004 10:33 PM
3 comments, last by LlamaGuy 21 years ago What''s this mean for us? Full source code for all the OpenGL screensavers if anyone is interested.
Another thread about it. But microsoft will sue anyone who tries to use their stolen source code, and that''s really not a bad thing. I hope it''s not true, because it would be bad for security...

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

If that means what I think it means... Microsoft is in a lot more trouble than any body else would be.
Go ahead and close the thread before another mod does. There is already another one to post in.
Well, R2D22U2..
Why did you pick the NeHe forum for this? Even with the "OpenGL screensavers" bit it''s still out-of-place. And, as was said, there''s already a thread about this here. So, to make matters simpler, I''ll just close this rather than move it for no real purpose.

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