Dificult wiht Dev
I am studying opengl through the tutoriais of the site of NeHe - besides translated by you until the lesson 12 using visual C++ 6.0. Me also use the devc++ for not being dependent of an only compiler, but the experience in the dev has been frustrating. , you say that the dev already comes with all the libraries to use the opengl. it happens that whole project for opengl that uses the header glaux.h of the problems. For now there are compilation mistakes not recognizing functions for shipment of files (like AUX_RGBImageRec). when there are not compilation mistakes when executing the program he says that lacks glaux.dll. as it can be that the same project compiled in the vc++ he/she doesn''t ask that dll, besides the project used in the dev came from own NeHe.
thanked the whole ones at once that could help me
I''m not sure how dev c++ handles the use of external libraries, but in borland''s commandline compiler I Have to explicitly state that I want to use glaux.lib when I link.
Also try putting glaux.dll in the same directory as your executable and see if it still gives the error of not finding it.
Also try putting glaux.dll in the same directory as your executable and see if it still gives the error of not finding it.
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