
That's it, 2.6 sucks.

Started by February 06, 2004 09:14 PM
18 comments, last by -vic- 20 years, 7 months ago
quote: Original post by Doc



The ones labelled "test" are just that: tests. Also commonly known as "release candidates". The stage between "release" and "beta".
Okei, thanks!
quote: Original post by -vic-
But this is the greatest news: now my 2.4 kernel is not recognizing my eth0! Briliant! I''m stuck inside this crappy kernel. God, somebody help me. The 2.6 sucks, that''s it.

2.6 working well!


I am having problems with eth0 too. There was an ERROR for eth0 in startup.. can''t find it in any log :\ However I get network working with modprobe 8139too and then dhclient. Sometimes dhclient cannot discover connetion though :\

Whats up? I''ll try to catch trhe error..

the ap above

Few boots and I got it:

ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device eth0
Ok, compiled network driver to kernel instead as module and it works now!
Wow. did you think that 2.4 did so much so horribly wrong, that upgrading to 2.6 would magically make your computer run faster?

Now where''s that thread in the lounge about negative CPU usage....

When people say it runs faster, my friend, they mean they can run a ''find /'' and play a movie in mplayer without seeing the kind of skipping they saw on 2.4 (or more commonly, compile a kernel and play mp3s at the same time)

So, uhhh, let that hype be a lesson to you!
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
Wow. did you think that 2.4 did so much so horribly wrong, that upgrading to 2.6 would magically make your computer run faster?

Now where''s that thread in the lounge about negative CPU usage....

When people say it runs faster, my friend, they mean they can run a ''find /'' and play a movie in mplayer without seeing the kind of skipping they saw on 2.4 (or more commonly, compile a kernel and play mp3s at the same time)

So, uhhh, let that hype be a lesson to you!

Why bashing. He was clearly frustrated, and not so experienced. So just try help if you can or create discussion, otherwice just shut up.
I''m running 2.6.2 at the moment on my slackware box
in my opinion the system seems slightly more responsive, and i havent seen any problems with resource eating activities (like compiling) slowing down the rest of the machine
The only problem I had was getting my sound card working in the 2.6 series, but after i worked that out, everything has been smoothe sailing.
All in all, I rather like the new kernel, but, as mentioned, its no magic bullet -- its better, but it wont bring world piece (that feature is being worked on for the 2.8 series, however)
quote: Original post by PoesRaven
world piece

Laughs at the implications of "world piece"

wow, that''s one big piece.

heh. piece.
IF something not working fix it in the kernel. Post back fixes and bugs instead of complaining. Seriously its horrible how many people complain when they put zero contribution back. The kernel will only get better if more people contribute to getting it running more clean.
quote: That''s it, 2.6 sucks.

Dont worry, you will be able to compile Windows 2000 soon
Rate me up.

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