
Poetry - opengl or otherwise

Started by February 05, 2004 05:53 PM
3 comments, last by llvllatrix 21 years, 1 month ago
I''ve started a collection on pieces of code or comments that have been posted on this board that i think are poetic. I just came up with one and thought that shakespere fans might like it. Heres what i got:
walk in cube, at a distance have two branch , current cube''wall is transparency when approach the branch, i may see branch bosom? why? - Crystal_db

int u;
		//to find



environment win2000, vsnet2003, c# ,csgl i use dll by written with vc++ on c# the dll may load .3ds file but have a error when run its nullity enumerate num i dont why?hope replay - Crystal_db

int b;
(2*b | !2*b)?Suffer():Sleep();


Can u guys help add to my collection?
This is more . . . ummm . . . expressionistic you may say

(x < -1) | (x > 1) | (y < -1) | (y > 1) | (z < -1) | (z > 1)

Think outside the box.
The Love Of Trees
Nice! lol, we all have our own styles

It seems we have invented a new prosaic form; the rules of programming still apply.

For example:


int b;
(2*b | !2*b)?Suffer():Sleep();

Notice how b is not defined. Also, (2*b | !2*b) always resolves to true if b is not 0. Since hamlet exists then b should not be zero and we can induce that hamlet will be destined to suffer because the question only has one resolution.




(x < -1) | (x > 1) | (y < -1) | (y > 1) | (z < -1) | (z > 1)

Think outside the box.

This implies that the standard size of a box is 1. Or you could also induce that truth lies ourside the box because if you are outside the box, then the statement resolves to true.

thx strider...another to add to my collection
nope, it implies that the standard box size is 2x2x2 or, rather, "the box"'s size is 2x2x2.

[edited by - strider44 on February 6, 2004 9:11:26 PM]
The Love Of Trees
lol, right; box is 2 big 4 me

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