
Getting Vendor information

Started by February 05, 2004 01:26 AM
1 comment, last by Jumpman 21 years, 1 month ago
If there anyway to get the video card vendor information (ie glGetString(GL_RENDERER)) without having an open openGL window.. I just want to display this information in a windows dialog.. If I call it on its own it just returns NULL as the string.. any ideas.. Cheers Chris Jumpman - Under Construction
It will return NULL until you have a rendering context.
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
thanks for the quick reply

i tried

HDC hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd); // my applications window
HGLRC hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC);
const unsigned char *pT = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
ReleaseDC(m_hWnd, hDC);

but still returned NULL..

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