
obtaining models

Started by February 04, 2004 01:24 PM
2 comments, last by ichor 21 years, 1 month ago
Hello. I''ve been working on a project for a while now, and I''ve come to a stopping point. I can''t load 3D Models....because I don''t have any. I''m looking for some very simple 3D Models (in .3ds format, but I can convert using Milkshape if needbe)... I''ve done numerous searches online, but it seems I find models that are quite elegantly done -- and HUGE. I don''t really need (nor can I use) at 32,000+ polygon tree. Does anyone know of a site with some low-poly models available on the cheap (or preferrably, free?) Or maybe a site where 3D folks congregate? I''m guessing it''d take someone with modelling skills above a sheep about an hour to make most of the models that I''m going for, but unfortunately, I''m below that sheep-level threshold. If on the off-chance that someone here can (and will) model... the models I''m hoping for are all the same size (basically, a box) with a small textured object contained in that boundary. For example.... a 5x5x5 model of low-poly trees. Anyone know where I could look for help?
they also have a Large database of various tutorials for a large number of 3dpackages, if you want to learn how to model.

Why no free 2D/3D software on that site?

There seems to be some good quality free options out there.

I recently got "gimp" and "Model3r" and like using them fairly well. Granted I''m not real serious about it and can''t compair those to commercial productions.

I just don''t have 3,500 bucks for 3D Studio Max.
There MY 1s and 0s, I'll do whatever I want to them...
I somewhere picked up that the ''acedemic'' version (non-profit) only costs about 1200 .

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